Note: You are currently viewing documentation for Moodle 2.6. Up-to-date documentation for the latest stable version of Moodle may be available here: Activity completion FAQ.

Activity completion FAQ

From MoodleDocs

What happens when completion conditions are unlocked?

Once you unlock options and then click 'Save changes', all completion information for the activity will be deleted and, if possible, regenerated according to the new settings. See the section 'What happens when you unlock' in Activity completion settings for further details.

Activity completion status does not change

Has Cron been run on the server side? Activity completion default is to be trigger by a cron event at a regular interval. The default is 10 minutes.

Why so long a gap? My students want instant gratification and positive reinforcement they have taken another step! The update on a site can take time and resources of the server because it looks at every course, every activity, every user.

How do I change the default time to refresh course completion reports

Want to change the default time? This will require a code tweak at line 126 or so in the /lib/completionlib.php file. Make sure the server is sending a cron message to Moodle every 10 minutes or more often. If the server is sending a cron trigger to Moodle every 60 minutes, that will be the length of time which will pass before the change will appear.

Can I move the activity completion checkboxes to the left instead of the right?

Please see MDL-34729 and MDL-31603
