Mobile Moodle FAQ
How can I use Moodle on mobile devices?
There are currently 3 main ways to use Moodle on mobile devices:
- Users can open Moodle sites in their mobile web browsers.
- Users can download native apps for their mobile devices.
- Admins can configure their Moodle site to be Mobile-accessible through server extensions.
Mobile Apps
- The official Mobile app developed by Juan Leyva with support from Jerome Mouneyrac, Moodle HQ and others.
- MDroid - an Android native client (source )
- MoodleTouch (aka mTouch) for iOS, created by Ali OzGur
- mPage for iOS and Android (work in progress), created by Mass Media HK
- Mbot for Android, created by Code Guild
- The My Moodle app for iPhone, created by Moodle HQ (no longer being developed)
- Droodle - an Android client for the Moodle 2.1 platform
- MoMo (Moodle for Mobiles) - Requires a server extension and a client app; supports most mobile OSes including Symbian.
- Moodbile - Reference implementation of Moodle Web Services. Under development.
- iPhone4Moodle - Under development.
Where can I download the official Mobile app for iPhone and Android?
The app can be downloaded for free from the Google Play Store and Apple app store.
How do I get the official Mobile app to work for my Moodle site?
Firstly, your Moodle site must be using Moodle 2.4 or later.
Secondly mobile web services must be enabled. See Enable mobile web services for details.
Where can I select a theme for mobile devices?
In Site administration > Appearance > Themes > Theme selector.
New in Moodle 2.2 onwards is the MyMobile theme especially designed for mobile devices.
I can't access my Moodle site using the app
Notice that by default Mobile access is disabled in Moodle. The administrator of your Moodle site (which must be version 2.4 or later) must enable mobile access.
Authentication methods like Shibboleth, CAS or LDAP/SSO are supported only using a Moodle add-one (See Moodle Mobile additional features)
You should verify also that Debugging and "Display debug messages" are disabled in your site (go to Administration / Development / Debugging for checking that options)
If your site uses a SSL certificate it must be a trusted certificate. For security reasons the app doesn't work with self-signed certificates.
Moodle Mobile app says I need 2.4 or higher
The administrator of your Moodle site (which must be version 2.4 or later) must enable mobile access as follows:
In Site administration > Plugins > Web services > Mobile tick the 'Enable web services for mobile devices' checkbox, then click the button to save changes.
Some Moodle sites uses special authentication methods like Shibboleth, CAS or LDAP/SSO that currently are not supported. See for more information.
How can I log out of the Mobile app current site?
You can add a new site in Settings -> Sites -> Add a new site and then delete your previous site using the X button near your old site name.
You can also reset completely the app using Settings -> Development -> Reset the application
I can't view the courses tab as an administrator
Moodle Mobile app is not suited for administrators ad the app displays only the courses you are enrolled in (not the courses you can see by capabilities).Note that the targeted user of the app is mainly a student or teacher.If you want to see the courses as an admin, you must be enrolled in the courses. You can use a non visible role or something similar.
See also
- Moodle for mobile forum
- Tracker area Moodle for Mobiles
- Using Moodle Proposal for Supporting Mobile Themes and Browser Detection forum discussion
- An open course, about "Teaching using Mobile - Best practices"
- Moodle News - Mobile - a breakdown of the mobile projects and products available