Site registration
An administrator can register their site with the open community hub (MOOCH), and other community hubs in Settings > Site Administration > Registration (also in Settings > Site administration > Server > Site registration). registration
When you register your site with the open community hub (MOOCH), you are added to a low-volume mailing list for important notifications such as security alerts and new releases of Moodle. Statistics about your site, such as the number of users and number of courses will be added to the statistics of the worldwide Moodle community
If you wish, you can choose for your site to be listed in
In addition, users with the capability moodle/course:publish (by default only managers) can publish courses on MOOCH.
To register your site:
- Click the 'Register with now' button
- Review the registration information, amending as necessary
- Click the 'Update registration on' button at the bottom of the page
After registering, MOOCH will appear in the list of hubs you have registered with on the registration page.
You may change the registration information at any time by updating your registration.
Updated site statistics are sent to automatically every 7 days.
Note: After updating your registration, it can take up to 2 weeks before your site is listed in
Note: Only sites which are publicly available on the Internet are eligible to be registered.
Specific hub registration
You may register your site with a specific hub by selecting the hub from a list or by entering a private hub URL and password.
If you add the Community finder block to courses on your site, teachers, non-editing teachers and managers (and any other users with the capability moodle/community:add) will be able to access the hub and search for courses for download or to enrol in.
Unregistering from a hub
You may unregister from a hub at any time by clicking the unregister button. You will then be given the option to remove all courses currently being advertised on the hub and remove all courses that were uploaded to the hub.
See also
- Usage for how statistics about Moodle sites are collected and maintained
- Community hub