Attention : vous consultez actuellement la documentation dédiée aux versions 1.x de Moodle. La documentation pour les versions 2.x de Moodle est consultable ici : Notes de mise à jour de Moodle 2.2, celle pour les versions 3.x de Moodle est consultable ici : Notes de mise à jour de Moodle 2.2 et celle pour Moodle 4.x est consultable là : Notes de mise à jour de Moodle 2.2.

Notes de mise à jour de Moodle 2.2

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Moodle 2.2

Date de sortie : prévue le 1er décembre 2011

Consulter la liste des détails sur les évolutions et corrections de bogues qui sont prévus dans cette version 2.2 (en anglais).

Nouvelles fonctionnalités

Advanced grading methods, including Rubrics
Rubrics have been a long-requested feature and we're pleased to be able to say that now you can design and use rubrics to grade things in Moodle. Rubrics are actually the first plugin of a new 'Advanced Grading' plugin type, because we expect our users to come up with all kinds of similar advanced grading interfaces and integrations. It currently only works for Assignments but will be extended soon across all modules. This feature was developed by Moodle HQ, although it was inspired by the Rubrics work done by Moodlerooms.
External tool
The IMS LTI standard is a simple but promising way that e-learning tools can interoperate. It allows Moodle to embed learning objects (or full-blown tools like forums) from external web sites into courses in such a way that Moodle can pass user data to the tool, and the tool can send grades back to Moodle's gradebook. Not only does it allow integration of a growing amount of interactive content and services but it will allow developers to create functionality for Moodle in any language they like. (eg they can create a new activity using Ruby or Java, as long as it support LTI 1.1 and has a web interface). Moodle is one of the first Learning Management Systems in the world to support IMS LTI 1.1. (Moodle is a contributing member of IMS Global). This feature was originally developed by Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, then improved and extended by Moodlerooms, with lots of support from Chuck Severance of IMS and Eloy Lafuente of the Moodle HQ team. (MDL-20534)
IMS Common Cartridge import
This is platform-independent popular standard for packaging learning content. For example it is used by publishers to publish simple courses to go with their textbooks, in a way that works on a variety of Learning Management Systems. Moodle did have support for importing CC packages in Moodle 1.9, and thanks to the work primarily by Darko Miletic and Moodlerooms, this is now available for Moodle 2.2 and later. Exporting to CC will come in 2.3. (MDL-29956)
MyMobile theme
Moodle 2.1 introduced the ability to select different themes for different devices, and now with 2.2 we have a standard theme in core that is custom-designed for smartphone browser screens. This means that when users visit your Moodle site on a small screen they'll see a completely different layout, but one that is suitable for small touchscreens. Big thanks for John Stabinger for his great work on this theme, which utilises Jquerymobile to achieve some of the magic. (MDL-27622)
Many of you may know about gravatars (globally recognized avatars), which allows your avatar icon to automatically appear when you comment on blogs and so on anywhere in the internet. Moodle profiles now support it too. :) (MDL-21676)

Changements importants

Pour les développeurs : changements dans les API

Changements dans les API centrales

Nouveaux types de plugins

Changements dans les API de plugins

Les descriptions courtes des changements d'API sont toujours conservées à jour dans un fichier "upgrade.txt" de chaque plugin. Nous faisons cela afin que l'information soit toujours exactement celle correspondant à la version de Moodle que vous utilisez.

Modules d'activité;a=blob;f=mod/upgrade.txt;hb=master
Question behaviours;a=blob;f=question/behaviour/upgrade.txt;hb=master
Formats de question;a=blob;f=question/format/upgrade.txt;hb=master
Types de question;a=blob;f=question/type/upgrade.txt;hb=master

Changements en base de données

  • MDL-29313 - La longueur maximale des colonnes VARCHAR a été étendue à 1333 caractères, pour toutes les bases de données. Cela permettra d'utiliser ce type de colonne pour stocker des URLs et des contenus longs en général.
  • Pour les installations qui utilisent Oracle :
    • MDL-29322 - All VARCHAR2 columns will be created using CHAR semantics instead of default BYTE semantics in Moodle 2.2 and upwards. This provides better cross-db compatibility and improves storage of longer Unicode strings.
    • MDL-29416 - For all existing sites, one new report has been added under Admin -> Development -> XMLDB Editor -> Check semantics, able to detect all the "old" BYTE semantics remaining in the database and generate the SQL statements needed to move them to proper CHAR semantics.

Librairies supprimées de la distribution

Voici la liste des librairies anciennes/plus utilisées qui ne sont plus intégrées à partir de Moodle 2.2. Tout plugin non standard les utilisant devrait être modifié pour une meilleure alternative, ou les intégrer dans sa propre distribution :

Changements dans les services web

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