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SCORM schema

From MoodleDocs
Revision as of 20:25, 24 July 2013 by Wen Hao Chuang (talk | contribs) (→‎View an activity)
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This page explains the files involved in displaying a SCORM package - it is mainly useful for developers.

The names of files in the images below are a slightly out of date compared to 2.0, however the concept is still the same.

How player works


Insert and update an activity

Scorm insert update.png

View an activity

Scorm view.png

SCORM Database Tables

In Moodle 2.5.x, there are 11 database tables that are related to SCORM:

  • mdl_scorm: Include id, course, name, scormtype, reference, intro, introformat, version, maxgrade, grademethod, etc.
  • mdl_scorm_aicc_session: This is a new table that did not exist in Moodle 2.0.x. Include id, userid, scormid, hacpsession, scoid, scormmode, scormstatus, attempt, lessonstatus, sessiontime, timecreated, timemodified.
  • mdl_scorm_scoes: has id, scorm, manifest, organization, parent, identifier, launch, etc.
  • mdl_scorm_scoes_data: has id, scoid, name, and value. That's it.
  • mdl_scorm_scoes_track: has id, userid, scormid, scoid, attempt, element, value, timemodified.

==> For most developers you probably would be interested in this table.

  • mdl_scorm_seq_mapinfo:
  • mdl_scorm_seq_objective:
  • mdl_scorm_seq_rolluprule:
  • mdl_scorm_seq_rolluprulecond:
  • mdl_scorm_seq_rulecond:
  • mdl_scorm_seq_ruleconds: