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SCORM 2004 compliance test instructions

From MoodleDocs
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This Page describes the steps necessary to check to see if Moodle complies with the SCORM 2004 Compliance tests - these tests are run by Moodle Developers - they are not intended for use by others.

Moodle install/setup

Follow the instructions below to set your own course up.

Create custom users

  • The first user you have to create is "Joe Student". use the following details for this user:
Username:   joestudent
Password:   password
First Name: Joe
Last Name:  Student
Email:      joestudent@localhost.localdomain
City/Town:  Your Town
Country:    You Country
  • Now Create the 2nd user "Mary Learner" using the following details:
Username:   marylearner
Password:   password
First Name: Mary
Last Name:  Learner
Email:      marylearner@localhost.localdomain
City/Town:  Your Town
Country:    You Country

Create custom course

  • You need to create a course inside Moodle to upload the SCORM 2004 Courses required for the test, For the full name of the course enter `SCORM 2004 ADL test course`, and for the short name enter `SCORM 2004 ADL`, and then create the course (using these specific names allows you to use the automated SCORM 2004 test harness in future)
  • Assign the 2 users created above (Mary Learner and Joe Student) as Students within this new course. Also assign the Admin user as a student within this course.

get the files

Extract the zip with the Test packages and upload these packages to your Moodle course using the standard drag/drop functionality in Moodle to create a SCORM package in Moodle with each package. Then read the test software documentation for information on how to set your browser up to run the tests (preferably IE 8)

  • The Majority of the ADL 2004 tests fail - if you are testing related to a specific bug, check the list of tests that need to be checked against the bug.

Test Setup and execution

Install Test suite

The Test suite will only run on Windows machines and has only been tested on IE7 and IE8 - it may work ok in IE9 - it will not work reliably on any other browsers/platforms.

Download ADL SCORM 2004 4th Edition Test Suite and the readme from here: SCORM 2004 Resources in the readme package read the "installinstruction.html" file for details on installing and running the test suite.