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Improved Question Bank Tags

From MoodleDocs


This document is "under construction" (really!)

This document is the technical design for a set of features proposed by the Moodle Users Association for Moodle 3.5.

The project proposal is here:

The requirements / user stories have been written by the MUA - a copy is included here for clarity

User Stories / Requirements


  • As a teacher, I can add tag(s) to a question bank question for use in my course for organizational and search/filtering of questions.
  • As a teacher, I can filter my questions in courses based on tags.
  • As a teacher, I can see tags on questions at higher category assigned by Question sharer role holder.
  • As another teacher in the same course, I have access to the question tags on the questions in that course context.
  • As a teacher in a course, I do not see tags of other in contexts I do not have access to. (Instructor 1’s “midterm 1” question set would not be relevant to Instructor 2)
  • As a teacher, I am able to add/modify/remove tags on questions.
  • As a teacher, I should not have to copy a question into my course from higher category contexts to include it in a ‘random question from question set’ question type.
  • As a teacher, I can add a 'random question from question set' question type to my quiz where the question set is a selectable list of questions. These questions can be searched for and filtered by tag but the set itself is not defined by specifying a tag.

Nice to have:

  • Labels can contain any visible ASCII characters including characters such as apostrophes, slashes, and colons. Exception of Comma.
  • As a teacher, when searching for questions to add to a ‘random question from question set’ I see the question with its context clearly visible.
  • As a teacher, I can export/import questions with their tags.
  • As a Question sharer role holder, I can add a tag(s) to a question bank questions that exist at the category context.
  • As a Question sharer role holder, I can search/filter all the questions I have access to and see them along with their context.


The requirements listed above can be met by implementing the following changes (which are described in detail further down):

  • New question type "Random question from a set of questions"
  • Enhanced question search allowing search/filter by tag everywhere
  • Allow adding course level tags to questions that exist in a category