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Calculated multiquestions proposal: Difference between revisions

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This page will be used to document and structure a project of adding multiquestion capability to the calculated question like the cloze questiontype and allowing the calculated questions to be used as usual calculated question or as multiplechoice question.
This imply developping a structure similar to the multiquestion 
i.e adding calculated questions records with the main question as parent. An additional multiplechoice record is necessary to each calculated question.

Actually (august 2007) the general interface to create and edit this improved calculated questiontype is almost completed.
Working on it now. If you have ideas - you are welcome!
The real difficulties are to modify the code related to grade each subquestion and store the session and responses parameters.
General idea is: We have general set of variables and need to ask many questions related with some theory and this set of variables.
If we only allowed single response multichoice question, the code will be a quite straightforward version of the multiquestion one.
==Question Object structure==
Now I'm working about questions for financial field. Which has now up to 20 variables and up to 10 questions.
Here is the proposed structure of the question object after calling get_question_options
But for example could be in Geometry field. '''Right circular cone''' which has ''variables'' such as r(base radius), h(height), <math>\theta</math>(aperture)
*main mdl_question
** for each subquestion an mdl_question with the parent field set to main->id
And ''many questions'' could be such as:
*** for each mdl_question record
**** a mdl_question_calculated and
1. Calculate slant height s? (Formula  <math>s=\sqrt{r^2+h^2} </math> )
**** a mdl_question_multichoice
The usual answers records for each question and subquestion 
2. Calculate volume V? (Formula <math>V=1/3\cdot \pi\cdot r^2\cdot h </math> )
All the datasets, data_items records are associated with the main question
All these data are structure like the following example.
3. Calculate surface area S? (Formula <math>S=\sqrt{\pi\cdot r\cdot s} </math> ) (depends on 1 question)
Probably to simplify the code the main question (#0) data will be repeated in the subquestions 
stdClass Object
Forum discussion: Multipart calculated questions using students answers in calculating correct answers
    [category] => 1
    [parent] => 0
    [name] => my first multichoice
    [questiontext] => What is the surface of a rectangle of {h} m by {l} m ?
What is the perimeter of this rectangle?
    [questiontextformat] => 1
    [image] =>
    [generalfeedback] =>
    [defaultgrade] => 1
    [penalty] => 0.1
    [qtype] => calculated
    [length] => 1
    [stamp] =>
    [version] =>
    [hidden] => 0
    [id] => 382
    [maxgrade] => 1
    [name_prefix] => resp382_
    [options] => stdClass Object
            [answers] => Array
                    [1141] => stdClass Object
                            [question] => 382
                            [answer] => {h}* {l}
                            [fraction] => 1
                            [feedback] => OK
                            [tolerance] => 0.01
                            [tolerancetype] => 1
                            [correctanswerlength] => 2
                            [correctanswerformat] => 1
                            [id] => 1141
                    [1142] => stdClass Object
                            [question] => 382
                            [answer] => 2*({h}+{l})
                            [fraction] => 0.5
                            [feedback] => You give me the perimeter !
                            [tolerance] => 0.01
                            [tolerancetype] => 1
                            [correctanswerlength] => 2
                            [correctanswerformat] => 1
                            [id] => 1142
                    [1143] => stdClass Object
                            [question] => 382
                            [answer] => {rr}
                            [fraction] => 0
                            [feedback] => Go back and try again
                            [tolerance] => 0.01
                            [tolerancetype] => 1
                            [correctanswerlength] => 2
                            [correctanswerformat] => 1
                            [id] => 1143
            [multichoice] => stdClass Object
                    [id] => 257
                    [question] => 382
                    [layout] => 0
                    [answers] => 0
                    [single] => 1
                    [shuffleanswers] => 1
                    [correctfeedback] =>
                    [partiallycorrectfeedback] =>
                    [incorrectfeedback] =>
                    [answernumbering] => abc
            [subquestions] => Array
                    [383] => stdClass Object
                            [category] => 1
                            [parent] => 382
                            [name] => {#1}
                            [questiontext] => {#1}
                            [questiontextformat] => 1
                            [image] =>
                            [generalfeedback] =>
                            [defaultgrade] => 1
                            [penalty] => 0.1
                            [qtype] => calculated
                            [length] => 1
                            [stamp] =>
                            [version] =>
                            [hidden] => 0
                            [id] => 383
                            [options] => stdClass Object
                                    [answers] => Array
                                            [1144] => stdClass Object
                                                    [question] => 383
                                                    [answer] => 2*({h}+{l})
                                                    [fraction] => 1
                                                    [feedback] => OK 1
                                                    [tolerance] => 0.01
                                                    [tolerancetype] => 1
                                                    [correctanswerlength] => 0
                                                    [correctanswerformat] => 1
                                                    [id] => 1144
                                    [multichoice] => stdClass Object
                                            [id] => 258
                                            [question] => 383
                                            [layout] => 0
                                            [answers] => 0
                                            [single] => 0
                                            [shuffleanswers] => 1
                                            [correctfeedback] =>
                                            [partiallycorrectfeedback] =>
                                            [incorrectfeedback] =>
                                            [answernumbering] => abc
                                    [units] => Array
                            [editasmultichoice] => 0
            [units] => Array
    [editasmultichoice] => 0
==Create and save sessions==
For calculated questions the '''answer''' field of the mdl_question_states record store the responses with the dataset number  followed by the responses the two being separated by -
    function save_session_and_responses(&$question, &$state) {
        $responses = 'dataset'.$state->options->datasetitem.'-'.
For multichoice questiontype
        // The serialized format for multiple choice quetsions
        // is an optional comma separated list of answer ids (the order of the
        // answers) followed by a colon, followed by another comma separated
        // list of answer ids, which are the radio/checkboxes that were
        // ticked.
        // E.g. 1,3,2,4:2,4 means that the answers were shown in the order
        // 1, 3, 2 and then 4 and the answers 2 and 4 were checked.
For multiquestion questiontype

Latest revision as of 14:03, 3 May 2024

Warning: This page is no longer in use. The information contained on the page should NOT be seen as relevant or reliable.

Working on it now. If you have ideas - you are welcome! General idea is: We have general set of variables and need to ask many questions related with some theory and this set of variables.

Now I'm working about questions for financial field. Which has now up to 20 variables and up to 10 questions.

But for example could be in Geometry field. Right circular cone which has variables such as r(base radius), h(height), (aperture)

And many questions could be such as:

1. Calculate slant height s? (Formula )

2. Calculate volume V? (Formula )

3. Calculate surface area S? (Formula ) (depends on 1 question)

Forum discussion: Multipart calculated questions using students answers in calculating correct answers [1]