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Developer meeting October 2015

From MoodleDocs
Revision as of 14:43, 14 October 2015 by David Mudrak (talk | contribs) (Update agenda)

Developer meetings > October 2015 meeting notes

Time 07:00 UTC on Wednesday, 21 October 2015 Add to my calendar
Meeting room Live stream at YouTube (TODO link)
Forum discussion Thread in GDF at (TODO link)
Chat Moodle Jabber dev chat (TODO link)
Twitter #moodledev
Social event page Google+ page (TODO link)
Meeting notes devpad

Agenda draft

Upcoming changes in Moodle 3.0

  • Summary of changes in Moodle 3.0 from Moodle contributor's perspective (both core and plugins development), overview of most important upgrade.txt notes. Presented by Damyon Wiese (Moodle HQ), Marina Glancy (Moodle HQ).
  • MDL-51213 Safely callable external_format_text() - Damyon Wiese (Moodle HQ), to be confirmed.
  • MDL-50645 Caching the list of callbacks and ability to use them much more often without worrying about performance - to be confirmed.
  • MDL-51107 Ability to inject nodes in the category settings navigation - Frederic Massart (Moodle HQ).
  • MDL-49329, MDLSITE-4203 Plugins management improvements and impact on plugins versioning schemes - David Mudrák (Moodle HQ), to be confirmed.
  • ...

Moving towards PHP7

  • Short overview of PHP7 benefits and required changes.
  • MDL-50565, MDL-51011, MDL-51155 Sharing experience with work started on adding support for PHP7 - Eric Merrill (Oakland University), Tony Levi (NetSpot).

Please feel encouraged to raise topics you would like to present / discuss during these meetings. Contact David Mudrák for details.