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Theme checklist

From MoodleDocs
Revision as of 15:17, 1 February 2014 by Gareth Barnard (talk | contribs)

So, you think your theme is finished? Well, Moodle is a big complex beast, and there are lots of obscure corners, that you might not know about. This page lists lots of things that you might have missed when working on your theme. To be sure your theme is really complete, you need to check these out.

All the different forms of the front page

Depending on how many courses there are in your Moodle site, and how many of them the current user is enrolled in, the front page looks different. Have you tested all the different ways it can look?

Big report tables

The grader report, and other similar reports like the quiz reports, are very big tables that don't fit on one screen. How does your theme cope. Is it easy for the teacher to scroll sideways to see all the data?

Fake blocks

While you are looking at the quiz, pay attention to the Quiz navigation block. This is not a normal block that teachers or admins can add or remove, it is a 'Fake block' that looks like any other block but is part of the Moodle UI. Are you happy with where it appears, and how it looks?

Other parts of Moodle that use fake blocks are the Lesson activity and the calendar UI.

Quiz 'secure' pop-up

When a quiz set to Full screen pop-up with some JavaScript security then the page uses a special 'secure' layout template that should have minimal headers or links.

Right-to-left languages

In languages like Hebrew or Farsi, lots of things that you made left-aligned probably need to be right-aligned instead. Moodle adds .dir-rtl or .dir-ltr class to the body element, which you can use in CSS rules.

... please add more things here in alphabetical order ...