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Talk:Mahara Portfolio Plugin

From MoodleDocs
Revision as of 14:38, 22 July 2008 by Penny Leach (talk | contribs)

Question 1

It occurs to me that maybe Mahara could send back information about where files could be put/blogposts could be stored etc, as part of the reply to the "intent to send" request? In the "happy path", we wouldn't expect this information to change, so maybe it's safe to send back something then? Nigel McNie 07:40, 20 July 2008 (CDT)

We'd have to send back information about where to put any possible content though, because at the intent to send stage, we don't know what format it is (eg, it might just be a file but could be a LEAP/PIOP component, which would go into a whole another artefact plugin). we'd essentially have to send back the entire artefact tree. and then even if we did that, at that point Moodle still doesn't know what format the user wants, so we'd still have to add another step._ Penny Leach

Proposed MNET Changes

(moved Nigel's comments to the talk page for MNET_Roadmap : Talk:MNET Roadmap - Penny