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Moodle 1.9.4 release notes

From MoodleDocs
Revision as of 10:22, 20 January 2009 by Helen Foster (talk | contribs) (New Forum setting thanks to Eloy - MDL-17364)

Release date: Not yet released


  • New options to allow Moodle to be configured to comply with European and US privacy regulations, like FERPA. Petr Skoda,
  • Fix bugs relating to creating and editing course categories. Previously, giving admin permissions in a category and its subcategories did not work reliably. In the process, the separate create, update and delete category capabilities were replaced with moodle/category:manage, and moodle/category:visibility was renamed to moodle/category:viewhiddencategories. Tim Hunt,
  • Essay questions can now be randomised by random questions. This must be enabled under Administration > Miscellaneous > Experimental. (MDL-8648) Tim Hunt,
  • A new capability mod/quiz:reviewmyattempts, separate from mod/quiz:attempt. This let's you create a read-only role that lets students see what they have done on a course in the past, without being able to change anything any more. Tim Hunt,
  • New Site policies setting for disabling Notes
  • New Internal enrolment settings for enforcing enrolment key usage and complexity
  • Email notification of course requests, and a new capability moodle/course:request to control who can request courses. Petr Skoda and Tim Hunt,
  • New Forum setting for enabling AJAX forum ratings

New language pack

  • Kazakh - Калима Туенбаева

(See Translation credits for additional details.)