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Moodle App Plugins Development Guide: Difference between revisions

From MoodleDocs
Line 428: Line 428:
* '''lang''' (optional): List of language strings.
* '''lang''' (optional): List of language strings.
* '''bootstrap''' (optional): A function to call to retrieve the bootstrap JS and the "restrict" to apply to the whole handler. It can also return templates that can be used from the Javascript of the bootstrap or the Javascript of the handler’s method.
* '''bootstrap''' (optional): A function to call to retrieve the bootstrap JS and the "restrict" to apply to the whole handler. It can also return templates that can be used from the Javascript of the bootstrap or the Javascript of the handler’s method.
* '''restricttocurrentuser''' (optional) Only used if the delegate has a isEnabledForUser function. If true, the handler will only be shown for current user.
* '''restricttocurrentuser''' (optional) Only used if the delegate has a isEnabledForUser function. If true, the handler will only be shown for current user. For more data on displaying the plugin only for certain users, please see [[Mobile_support_for_plugins#Display_the_plugin_only_if_certain_conditions_are_met|Display the plugin only if certain conditions are met]].
* '''restricttoenrolledcourses''' (optional): Only used if the delegate has a isEnabledForCourse function. If true or not defined, the handler will only be shown for courses the user is enrolled in.
* '''restricttoenrolledcourses''' (optional): Only used if the delegate has a isEnabledForCourse function. If true or not defined, the handler will only be shown for courses the user is enrolled in.

Revision as of 11:28, 30 April 2018


Since Moodle 3.1 it is possible to support different types of Moodle plugins in the Mobile app via the Remote add-ons functionality.

Remote add-ons allow a developer to add complete support to their plugins in the Mobile app, but they have some disadvantages:

  • Remote add-ons are not easy to develop and test since they are required to be developed as an Angular JS/Ionic module.
  • A zip file containing the plugin must be downloaded from the server to be lazy-loaded.
  • It is not easy to maintain or upgrade them.
  • Developers had to set up a local Mobile development environment

In order to allow plugin developers to make their plugins compatible with the app, the Mobile team has been thinking in a new way to extend the mobile app features following these premises:

  • It has to be easy to develop
  • It should work without developing Angular/Ionic code
  • It has to be easy to maintain
  • It has to be supported since Moodle 3.1 at least
  • Should support all the different types of Moodle plugins supported by the app
  • Should work in any type of device
  • Should not require JavaScript at all, although in some cases it will be needed. In the latter case, we’ll try to simplify the required JavaScript

New approach

We published an initial draft specification, and last month we started its implementation. During the implementation process we decided to make the following changes to the initial plans in order to make developers life easier:

  • There will be just one way to support plugins in the app.
  • This new way will allow developers to support plugins using PHP code, templates and Ionic markup (html components).
  • The use of JavaScript will be optional (but some type of advanced plugins may require it)
  • Developers won’t need to set up a Mobile development environment, they will be able to test using the latest version of the official app (although setting up a local Mobile environment is recommended for complex plugins).

This means that remote add-ons won’t be necessary anymore, and developers won’t have to learn Ionic 3 / Angular and set up a new mobile development environment to migrate them.

Important notes:

  • Moodle Mobile 3.5 (to be released May 2018) will be the first version of the Mobile app supporting this new type of plugins.
  • Remote add-ons will have to be migrated to the new simpler way (following this documentation)
  • These features will be natively supported in Moodle 3.5, but for previous versions you will need to install the Moodle Mobile Additional Features plugin.

How it works

The overall idea is to allow Moodle plugins to extend different areas in the app with just PHP server side code and Ionic 3 markup (custom html elements that are called components) using a set of custom Ionic directives and components.

Developers will have to:

  1. Create a db/mobile.php file in their plugins. In this file developers will be able to indicate which areas of the app they want to extend, for example, adding a new option in the main menu, implementing an activity module not supported, including a new option in the course menu, including a new option in the user profile, etc. All the areas supported are described further in this document.
  2. Create new functions in a reserved namespace that will return the content of the new options. The content should be returned rendered (html). The template should use Ionic components so that it looks native (custom html elements) but it can be generated using mustache templates.

Let’s clarify some points:

  • You don’t need to create new Web Service functions (although you will be able to use them for advanced features). You just need plain php functions that will be placed in a reserved namespace.
  • Those functions will be exported via the Web Service function tool_mobile_get_content
  • As arguments of your functions you will always receive the userid, some relevant details of the app (app version, current language in the app, etc…) and some specific data depending on the type of plugin (courseid, cmid, …).
  • We provide a list of custom Ionic components and directives (html tags) that will provide dynamic behaviour, like indicating that you are linking a file that can be downloaded, or to allow a transition to new pages into the app calling a specific function in the server, submit form data to the server etc..

Step by step example

In this example, we are going to update an existing plugin (Certificate activity module) that currently uses a Remote add-on. This is a simple activity module that displays the certificate issued for the current user along with the list of the dates of previously issued certificates. It also stores in the course log that the user viewed a certificate. This module also works offline: when the user downloads the course or activity, the data is pre-fetched and can be viewed offline.

The example code can be downloaded from here (see last commit)

Step 1. Update the db/mobile.php file

In this case, we are updating an existing file but for new plugins, you should create this new file.

$addons = array(

   "mod_certificate" => array( // Plugin identifier
   	'handlers' => array( // Different places where the plugin will display content.
           'coursecertificate' => array( // Handler unique name (alphanumeric).
           	'displaydata' => array(
               	'icon' => $CFG->wwwroot . '/mod/certificate/pix/icon.gif',
               	'class' => ,
           	'delegate' => 'CoreCourseModuleDelegate', // Delegate (where to display the link to the plugin)
           	'method' => 'mobile_course_view', // Main function in \mod_certificate\output\mobile
           	'offlinefunctions' => array(

'mobile_course_view' => array(), 'mobile_issues_view' => array() ) // Function that needs to be downloaded for offline.


'lang' => array( // Language strings that are used in all the handlers.

               array('pluginname', 'certificate),
               array('summaryofattempts', 'certificate),
               array('getcertificate', 'certificate),
               array('requiredtimenotmet', 'certificate),

array('viewcertificateviews', 'certificate')



Plugin identifier
A unique name for the plugin, it can be anything (there’s no need to match the module name).
Handlers (Different places where the plugin will display content)
A plugin can be displayed in different views in the app. Each view should have a unique name inside the plugin scope (alphanumeric).
Display data
This is only needed for certain types of plugins. Also, depending on the type of delegate it may require additional (or less fields), in this case we are indicating the module icon.
Where to display the link to the plugin, see the Delegates chapter in this documentation for all the possible options.
This is the function in the Moodle component/lib.php file to be executed the first time the user clicks in the new option displayed in the app. The function should be a method of a Mobile class under the output/mobile namespace.
These are the functions that need to be downloaded for offline usage. This is the list of functions that need to be called and stored when the user downloads a course for offline usage. Please note that you can add functions here that are not even listed in the mobile.php file.
In our example, downloading for offline access will mean that we'll execute the functions for getting the certificate and issued certificates passing as parameters the current userid (and courseid when we are using the mod or course delegate). If we have the result of those functions stored in the app, we'll be able to display the certificate information even if the user is offline.
Offline functions will be mostly used to display information for final users, any further interaction with the view won’t be supported offline (for example, trying to send information when the user is offline).
You can indicate here other Web Services functions, indicating the parameters that they might need from a defined subset (currently userid and courseid)
Prefetching the module will also download all the files returned by the methods in these offline functions (in the files array).
The language pack string ids used in the plugin by all the handlers. Please note that you should avoid adding all the plugin string ids (including those unused) because the Web Service that returns the plugin information will include the translation of each string id for every language installed in the platform.

There are additional attributes supported by the mobile.php list, see “Mobile.php supported options” section below.

Step 2. Creating the main function

The main function displays the current issued certificate (or several warnings if it’s not possible to issue a certificate). It also displays a link to view the dates of previously issued certificates.

All the functions must be created in the plugin or subsystem classes/output directory, the name of the class must be mobile.

For this example (mod_certificate plugin) the namespace name will be mod_certificate\output.

File contents: mod/certificate/classes/output/mobile.php

<?php namespace mod_certificate\output;

defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();

use context_module; use mod_certificate_external;


* Mobile output class for certificate
* @package	mod_certificate
* @copyright  2018 Juan Leyva
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later

class mobile {


	* Returns the certificate course view for the mobile app.
	* @param  array $args Arguments from tool_mobile_get_content WS
	* @return array   	HTML, javascript and otherdata
   public static function mobile_course_view($args) {
   	global $OUTPUT, $USER, $DB;
   	$args = (object) $args;
   	$cm = get_coursemodule_from_id('certificate', $args->cmid);
   	// Capabilities check.
   	require_login($args->courseid , false , $cm, true, true);
   	$context = context_module::instance($cm->id);
   	require_capability ('mod/certificate:view', $context);
   	if ($args->userid != $USER->id) {
       	require_capability('mod/certificate:manage', $context);
   	$certificate = $DB->get_record('certificate', array('id' => $cm->instance));
   	// Get certificates from external (taking care of exceptions).
   	try {
       	$issued = mod_certificate_external::issue_certificate($cm->instance);
       	$certificates = mod_certificate_external::get_issued_certificates($cm->instance);
       	$issues = array_values($certificates['issues']); // Make it mustache compatible.
   	} catch (Exception $e) {
       	$issues = array();
   	// Set timemodified for each certificate.
   	foreach ($issues as $issue) {
       	if (empty($issue->timemodified)) {
           		$issue->timemodified = $issue->timecreated;
   	$showget = true;
   	if ($certificate->requiredtime && !has_capability('mod/certificate:manage', $context)) {
       	if (certificate_get_course_time($certificate->course) < ($certificate->requiredtime * 60)) {
           		$showget = false;
   	$certificate->name = format_string($certificate->name);
   	list($certificate->intro, $certificate->introformat) =
                   	external_format_text($certificate->intro, $certificate->introformat, $context->id,'mod_certificate', 'intro');
   	$data = array(
       	'certificate' => $certificate,
       	'showget' => $showget && count($issues) > 0,
       	'issues' => $issues,
       	'issue' => $issues[0],

'numissues' => count($issues),

       	'cmid' => $cm->id,
       	'courseid' => $args->courseid
   	return array(
       	'templates' => array(
               	'id' => 'main',
               	'html' => $OUTPUT->render_from_template('mod_certificate/mobile_view_page', $data),
       	'javascript' => ,
       	'otherdata' => ,
       	'files' => $issues


Let’s go through the function code to analyse the different parts.

Function declaration
The function name is the same as the one used in the mobile.php file (method field). There is only one argument “$args” which is an array containing all the information sent by the mobile app (the courseid, userid, appid, appversionname, appversioncode, applang, appcustomurlscheme…)
Function implementation
In the first part of the function, we check permissions and capabilities (like a view.php script would do normally). Then we retrieve the certificate information that’s necessary to display the template.

Finally, we return:

  • The rendered template (notice that we could return more than one template but we usually would only need one). By default the app will always render the first template received, the rest of the templates can be used if the plugin defines some Javascript code.
  • JavaScript: Empty, because we don’t need any in this case
  • Other data: Empty as well, because we don’t need any additional data to be used by directives or components in the template. This field will be published as an object supporting 2-way-data-bind to the template.
  • Files: A list of files that the app should be able to download (for offline usage mostly)

Step 3. Creating the template for the main function

This is the most important part of your plugin because it contains the code that will be rendered on the mobile app.

In this template we’ll be using Ionic and custom directives and components available in the Mobile app.

All the HTML attributes starting with ion- are ionic components. Most of the time the component name is self-explanatory but you may refer to a detailed guide here:

All the HTML attributes starting with core- are custom components of the Mobile app.

File contents: mod/certificate/templates/mobile_view_page.mustache

{{=<% %>=}}

<core-course-module-description description="<% certificate.intro %>" component="mod_certificate" componentId="<% cmid %>"></core-course-module-description>



Template:'plugin.mod certificate.summaryofattempts'

           	<button ion-button block color="light" core-site-plugins-new-content title="<% %>" component="mod_certificate" method="mobile_issues_view" [args]="{cmid: <% cmid %>, courseid: <% courseid %>}">
               	Template:'plugin.mod certificate.viewcertificateviews'
       	<button ion-button block core-course-download-module-main-file moduleId="<% cmid %>" courseId="<% certificate.course %>" component="mod_certificate" [files]="[{fileurl: '<% issue.fileurl %>', filename: '<% issue.filename %>', timemodified: '<% issue.timemodified %>', mimetype: '<% issue.mimetype %>'}]">
           	<ion-icon name="cloud-download" item-start></ion-icon>
           	Template:'plugin.mod certificate.getcertificate'

Template:'plugin.mod certificate.requiredtimenotmet'

   	<span core-site-plugins-call-ws-on-load name="mod_certificate_view_certificate" [params]="{certificateid: <% %>}" [preSets]="{getFromCache: 0, saveToCache: 0}">


In the first line of the template we switch delimiters to avoid conflicting with Ionic delimiters (that are curly brackets like mustache).

Then we display the module description using <core-course-module-description that is a component used to include the course module description.

For displaying the certificate information we create a list of elements, adding a header on top. The following line Template:'plugin.mod certificate.summaryofattempts' indicates that the Mobile app will translate the summaryofattempts string id (here we could’ve used mustache translation but it is usually better to delegate the strings translations to the app). The string id has this format:

“plugin” + plugin identifier (from mobile.php) + string id (the string must be indicated in the lang field in mobile.php).

Then we display a button to transition to another page if there are certificates issued. The attribute (directive) core-site-plugins-new-content indicates that if the user clicks the button, we need to call the function “mobile_issues_view” in the component “mod_certificate” passing as arguments the cmid and courseid. The content returned by this function will be displayed in a new page (see Step 4 for the code of this new page).

Just after this button we display another one but this time for downloading an issued certificate. The core-course-download-module-main-file directive indicates that clicking this button is for downloading the whole activity and opening the main file. This means that, when the user clicks this button, the whole certificate activity will be available in offline.

Finally, just before the ion-list is closed, we use the core-site-plugins-call-ws-on-load directive to indicate that once the page is loaded, we need to call to a Web Service function in the server, in this case we are calling the mod_certificate_view_certificate that will log that the user viewed this page.

As you can see, no JavaScript was necessary at all. We used plain HTML elements and attributes that did all the complex dynamic logic (like calling a Web Service) behind the scenes.

Step 4. Adding an additional page

Partial file contents: mod/certificate/classes/output/mobile.php


    * Returns the certificate issues view for the mobile app.
    * @param  array $args Arguments from tool_mobile_get_content WS
    * @return array   	HTML, javascript and otherdata
   public static function mobile_issues_view($args) {
   	global $OUTPUT, $USER, $DB;
   	$args = (object) $args;
   	$cm = get_coursemodule_from_id('certificate', $args->cmid);
   	// Capabilities check.
   	require_login($args->courseid , false , $cm, true, true);
   	$context = context_module::instance($cm->id);
   	require_capability ('mod/certificate:view', $context);
   	if ($args->userid != $USER->id) {
       	require_capability('mod/certificate:manage', $context);
   	$certificate = $DB->get_record('certificate', array('id' => $cm->instance));
   	// Get certificates from external (taking care of exceptions).
   	try {
       	$issued = mod_certificate_external::issue_certificate($cm->instance);
       	$certificates = mod_certificate_external::get_issued_certificates($cm->instance);
       	$issues = array_values($certificates['issues']); // Make it mustache compatible.
   	} catch (Exception $e) {
       	$issues = array();
   	$data = array(
       	'issues' => $issues
   	return array(
       	'templates' => array(
               	'id' => 'main',
               	'html' => $OUTPUT->render_from_template('mod_certificate/mobile_view_issues', $data),
       	'javascript' => ,
       	'otherdata' => 

This function for the new page was added just after the mobile_course_view function, the code is quite similar: Capabilities checks, retrieves the information required for the template and returns the template rendered.

The code of the mustache template is also very simple:

File contents: mod/certificate/templates/mobile_view_issues.mustache

{{=<% %>=}}



{{ <%timecreated%> | coreToLocaleString }}




As we did in the previous template, in the first line of the template we switch delimiters to avoid conflicting with Ionic delimiters (that are curly brackets like mustache).

Here we are creating an ionic list that will display a new item in the list per each issued certificated.

For the issued certificated we’ll display the time when it was created (using the app filter coreToLocaleString). We are also displaying the grade displayed in the certificate (if any).

Getting started

The first and most important thing to know is that you don’t need a local mobile environment, you can just use the Chrome or Chromium browser to add mobile support to your plugins!

Open this URL (with Chrome or Chromium browser): and you will see a web version of the mobile app completely functional (except for some native features). This URL is updated with the latest integration version of the app.

Please test that your site works correctly in the web version before starting any development.

Moodle version requirements

If your Moodle version is lower than 3.5 (to be released in May) you will need to install the Moodle Mobile additional features plugin.

Please use this development version for now: (if your Moodle version is 3.2, 3.3 or 3.4) you will have to use the specific branch for your version but applying manually the last commit from the 3.1 branch (the one with number MOBILE-2362).

Also, when installing the Moodle Mobile Additional features plugin you must follow the installation instructions so the service is set up properly.

Remember to update your plugin documentation to reflect that this plugin is mandatory for Mobile support. We don’t recommend to indicate in your plugin version.php a dependency to local_mobile though.

Development workflow

First of all, we recommend creating a simple mobile.php for displaying a new main menu option (even if your plugin won’t be in the main menu, just to verify that you are able to extend the app plugins). Then open the webapp ( or refresh the browser if it was already open. Check that you can correctly see the new menu option you included.

Then, develop the main function of the app returning a “Hello world” or basic code (without using templates) to see that everything works together. After adding the classes/output/mobile.php file it is very important to “Purge all caches” to avoid problems with the auto-loading cache.

It is important to remember that:

  • Any change in the mobile.php file will require you to refresh the web app page in the browser (remember to disable the cache in the Chrome developer options).
  • Any change in an existing template or function won’t require to refresh the browser page. In most cases you should just do a PTR (Pull down To Refresh) in the page that displays the view returned by the function. Be aware that PTR will work only when using the “device” emulation in the browser (see following section).

Testing and debugging

To learn how to debug with the web version of the app, please read the following documents:

For plugins using the Javascript API you may develop making use of the console.log function to add trace messages in your code that will be displayed in the browser console.

Mobile.php supported options

In the Step by Step section we learned about some of the existing options for handlers configuration. This is the full list of supported options:

Common options

  • displaydata (mandatory for certain types): Data used to display the handler. It will vary depending on the delegate, and some delegates won’t need it at all (like course format). Attributes usually required in the displaydata: title, icon, class.
  • delegate (mandatory): Name of the delegate to register the handler in.
  • method (mandatory): The function to call to retrieve the main page content.
  • priority (optional): Priority of the handler. Only for certain delegates. Higher priority is displayed first.
  • lang (optional): List of language strings.
  • bootstrap (optional): A function to call to retrieve the bootstrap JS and the "restrict" to apply to the whole handler. It can also return templates that can be used from the Javascript of the bootstrap or the Javascript of the handler’s method.
  • restricttocurrentuser (optional) Only used if the delegate has a isEnabledForUser function. If true, the handler will only be shown for current user. For more data on displaying the plugin only for certain users, please see Display the plugin only if certain conditions are met.
  • restricttoenrolledcourses (optional): Only used if the delegate has a isEnabledForCourse function. If true or not defined, the handler will only be shown for courses the user is enrolled in.

Options only for CoreCourseModuleDelegate

  • offlinefunctions: (optional) List of functions to call when prefetching the module. It can be a get_content method or a WS. You can filter the params received by the WS. By default, WS will receive these params: courseid, cmid, userid. Other valid values that will be added if they are present in the list of params: courseids (it will receive a list with the courses the user is enrolled in), component + 'id' (e.g. certificateid).
  • downloadbutton: (optional) Whether to display download button in the module. If not defined, the button will be shown if there is any offlinefunction.
  • isresource: (optional) Whether the module is a resource or an activity. Only used if there is any offlinefunction. If your module relies on the "contents" field, then it should be true.
  • updatesnames: (optional) Only used if there is any offlinefunction. A Regular Expression to check if there's any update in the module. It will be compared to the result of core_course_check_updates.

Options only for CoreCourseFormatDelegate

  • canviewallsections: (optional) Whether the course format allows seeing all sections in a single page. Defaults to true.
  • displayenabledownload: (optional) Whether the option to enable section/module download should be displayed. Defaults to true.
  • displaysectionselector: (optional) Whether the default section selector should be displayed. Defaults to true.

Options only for CoreUserDelegate

  • type: The type of the addon. Values accepted: 'newpage' (default) or 'communication'.



You must use this delegate when you want to add new items to the main menu (currently displayed at the bottom of the app).


You must use this delegate when you want to add new options in a course (Participants or Grades are examples of this type of delegate).


You must use this delegate for supporting activity modules or resources, please review the specific options for this delegate in the “Options only for CoreCourseModuleDelegate” section.


You must use this delegate when you want to add additional options in the user profile page in the app. Options can be of different types (newpage, communication or action).


You must use this delegate for supporting course formats, please review the specific options for this delegate in the “Options only for CoreCourseFormatDelegate” section.

Other advanced delegates

This delegates require JavaScript to be supported. See “Advanced features” bootstrapping for more information.

  • CoreContentLinksDelegate
  • CoreUserProfileFieldDelegate
  • CoreCourseModulePrefetchDelegate
  • CoreFileUploaderDelegate
  • CorePluginFileDelegate

Available components and directives

Difference between component and directives

A component (represented as an HTML tag) is used to add custom elements to the app. Example of components are: ion-list, ion-item, core-search-box

A directive (represented as an HTML attribute) allows you to extend a piece of HTML with additional information or functionality. Example of directives are: core-auto-focus, *ngIf, ng-repeat

The Mobile app uses Angular, Ionic and custom components and directives, for a full reference of:

Custom core components and directives

These are some useful custom components and directives (only available in the mobile app). Please notice that this isn’t the full list of components and directives of the app, it’s just an extract of the most common ones.


This directive formats the text and adds some directives needed for the app to work as it should. For example, it treats all links and all the embedded media so they work fine in the app. If some content in your template includes links or embedded media, please use this directive.

This directive automatically applies core-external-content and core-link to all the links and embedded media.

Data that can be passed to the directive:

  • text (string): The text to format.
  • siteId (string): Optional. Site ID to use. If not defined, current site.
  • component (string): Optional. Component to use when downloading embedded files.
  • componentId (string|number): Optional. ID to use in conjunction with the component.
  • adaptImg (boolean): Optional. Whether to adapt images to screen width. Defaults to true.
  • clean (boolean): Optional. Whether all the HTML tags should be removed. Defaults to false.
  • singleLine (boolean): Optional. Whether new lines should be removed (all text in single line). Only if clean=true. Defaults to false.
  • maxHeight (number): Optional. Max height in pixels to render the content box. It should be 50 at least to make sense. Using this parameter will force display: block to calculate height better. If you want to avoid this use class="inline" at the same time to use display: inline-block.
  • fullOnClick (boolean): Optional. Whether it should open a new page with the full contents on click. Only if maxHeight is set and the content has been collapsed. Defaults to false.
  • fullTitle (string): Optional. Title to use in full view. Defaults to "Description".

Example usage:

<core-format-text text="<% cm.description %>" component="mod_certificate" componentId="<% %>"></core-format-text>


Directive to handle a link. It performs several checks, like checking if the link needs to be opened in the app, and opens the link as it should (without overriding the app).

This directive is automatically applied to all the links and media inside core-format-text.

Data that can be passed to the directive:

  • capture (boolean): Optional. Whether the link needs to be captured by the app (check if the link can be handled by the app instead of opening it in a browser).
  • inApp (boolean): Optional. True to open in embedded browser, false to open in system browser.
  • autoLogin (string): Optional. If the link should be open with auto-login. Accepts the following values:
    • "yes" -> Always auto-login.
    • "no" -> Never auto-login.
    • "check" -> Auto-login only if it points to the current site. Default value.

Example usage: <a href="<% cm.url %>" core-link>


Directive to handle links to files and embedded files. This directive should be used in any link to a file or any embedded file that you want to have available when the app is offline.

If a file is downloaded, its URL will be replaced by the local file URL.

This directive is automatically applied to all the links and media inside core-format-text.

Data that can be passed to the directive:

  • siteId (string): Optional. Site ID to use. If not defined, current site.
  • component (string): Optional. Component to use when downloading embedded files.
  • componentId (string|number): Optional. ID to use in conjunction with the component.

Example usage: <img src="<% event.iconurl %>" core-external-content component="mod_certificate" componentId="<% %>">


Directive to go to user profile on click. When the user clicks the element where this directive is attached, the right user profile will be opened.

Data that can be passed to the directive:

  • userId (number): User id to open the profile.
  • courseId (number): Optional. Course id to show the user info related to that course.

Example usage: <a ion-item core-user-link userId="<% userid %>">


Component to handle a remote file. It shows the file name, icon (depending on mimetype) and a button to download/refresh it. The user can identify if the file is downloaded or not based on the button.

Data that can be passed to the directive:

  • file (object): The file. Must have a property 'filename' and a 'fileurl' or 'url'
  • component (string): Optional. Component the file belongs to.
  • componentId (string|number): Optional. ID to use in conjunction with the component.
  • canDelete (boolean): Optional. Whether file can be deleted.
  • alwaysDownload (boolean): Optional. Whether it should always display the refresh button when the file is downloaded. Use it for files that you cannot determine if they're outdated or not.
  • canDownload (boolean): Optional. Whether file can be downloaded. Defaults to true.

Example usage: <core-file [file]="{fileurl: <% issue.url %>, filename: <% %>, timemodified: <% issue.timemodified %>, filesize: <% issue.size %>}" component="mod_certificate" componentId="<% %>"></core-file>


Directive to allow downloading and open a file. When the item with this directive is clicked, the file will be downloaded (if needed) and opened.

It is usually recommended to use the core-file component since it also displays the state of the file.

Data that can be passed to the directive:

  • core-download-file (object): The file to download.
  • component (string): Optional. Component to link the file to.
  • componentId (string|number): Optional. Component ID to use in conjunction with the component.

Example usage: a button to download a file. <button ion-button core-download-file="{fileurl: <% issue.url %>, timemodified: <% issue.timemodified %>, filesize: <% issue.size %>}" component="mod_certificate" componentId="<% %>">




Directive to allow downloading and opening the main file of a module.

When the item with this directive is clicked, the whole module will be downloaded (if needed) and its main file opened. This is meant for modules like mod_resource.

This directive must receive either a module or a moduleId. If no files are provided, it will use module.contents.

Data that can be passed to the directive:

  • module (object): Optional. The module object. Required if module is not supplied.
  • moduleId (number): Optional. The module ID. Required if module is not supplied.
  • courseId (number): The course ID the module belongs to.
  • component (string): Optional. Component to link the file to.
  • componentId (string|number): Optional. Component ID to use in conjunction with the component. If not defined, moduleId.
  • files (object[]): Optional. List of files of the module. If not provided, use module.contents.

Example usage: <button ion-button block core-course-download-module-main-file moduleId="<% cmid %>" courseId="<% certificate.course %>" component="mod_certificate" [files]="[{fileurl: '<% issue.fileurl %>', filename: '<% issue.filename %>', timemodified: '<% issue.timemodified %>', mimetype: '<% issue.mimetype %>'}]">

   Template:'plugin.mod certificate.getcertificate'



Component to add buttons to the app's header without having to place them inside the header itself. Using this component in a site plugin will allow adding buttons to the header of the current page.

If this component indicates a position (start/end), the buttons will only be added if the header has some buttons in that position. If no start/end is specified, then the buttons will be added to the first <ion-buttons> found in the header.

You can use the [hidden] input to hide all the inner buttons if a certain condition is met.

Example usage: <core-navbar-buttons end>

   <button ion-button icon-only (click)="action()">
       <ion-icon name="funnel"></ion-icon>


Specific component and directives for plugins

These are component and directives created specifically for supporting Moodle plugins.


Directive to display a new content when clicked. This new content can be displayed in a new page or in the current page (only if the current page is already displaying a site plugin content).

Data that can be passed to the directive:

  • component (string): The component of the new content.
  • method (string): The method to get the new content.
  • args (object): The params to get the new content.
  • title (string): The title to display with the new content. Only if samePage=false.
  • samePage (boolean): Whether to display the content in same page or open a new one. Defaults to new page.
  • useOtherData (any): Whether to include otherdata (from the get_content WS call) in the args for the new get_content call. The format is the same as in useOtherDataForWS. If not supplied, no other data will be added. If supplied but empty (null, false or empty string) all the otherdata will be added. If it’s an array, it will only copy the properties whose names are in the array.
  • form (string): ID or name to identify a form in the template. The form will be obtained from document.forms. If supplied and form is found, the form data will be retrieved and sent to the new get_content WS call.

Example usages:

A button to go to a new content page: <button ion-button core-site-plugins-new-content title="<% %>" component="mod_certificate" method="mobile_issues_view" [args]="{cmid: <% cmid %>, courseid: <% courseid %>}">

    Template:'plugin.mod certificate.viewissued'


A button to load new content in current page using userid from otherdata: <button ion-button core-site-plugins-new-content component="mod_certificate" method="mobile_issues_view" [args]="{cmid: <% cmid %>, courseid: <% courseid %>}" samePage="true" [useOtherData]="['userid']">

   Template:'plugin.mod certificate.viewissued'



Directive to call a WS when the element is clicked. The action to do when the WS call is successful depends on the provided data: display a message, go back or refresh current view.

If you want to load a new content when the WS call is done, please see core-site-plugins-call-ws-new-content.

Data that can be passed to the directive:

  • name (string): The name of the WS to call.
  • params (object): The params for the WS call.
  • preSets (object): Extra options for the WS call: whether to use cache or not, etc.
  • useOtherDataForWS (any): Whether to include otherdata (from the get_content WS call) in the params for the WS call. If not supplied, no other data will be added. If supplied but empty (null, false or empty string) all the otherdata will be added. If it’s an array, it will only copy the properties whose names are in the array.
  • form (string): ID or name to identify a form in the template. The form will be obtained from document.forms. If supplied and form is found, the form data will be retrieved and sent to the WS.
  • confirmMessage (string): Message to confirm the action when the user clicks the element. If not supplied, no confirmation. If supplied but empty, default message ("Are you sure?").
  • successMessage (string): Message to show on success. If not supplied, no message. If supplied but empty, default message (“Success”).
  • goBackOnSuccess (boolean): Whether to go back if the WS call is successful.
  • refreshOnSuccess (boolean): Whether to refresh the current view if the WS call is successful.

Example usages:

A button to send some data to the server without using cache, displaying default messages and refreshing on success: <button ion-button core-site-plugins-call-ws name="mod_certificate_view_certificate" [params]="{certificateid: <% %>}" [preSets]="{getFromCache: 0, saveToCache: 0}" confirmMessage successMessage refreshOnSuccess="true">

   Template:'plugin.mod certificate.senddata'


A button to send some data to the server using cache without confirming, going back on success and using userid from otherdata: <button ion-button core-site-plugins-call-ws name="mod_certificate_view_certificate" [params]="{certificateid: <% %>}" goBackOnSuccess="true" [useOtherData]="['userid']">

    Template:'plugin.mod certificate.senddata'



Directive to call a WS when the element is clicked and load a new content passing the WS result as args. This new content can be displayed in a new page or in the same page (only if current page is already displaying a site plugin content).

If you don't need to load some new content when done, please see core-site-plugins-call-ws.

Data that can be passed to the directive:

  • name (string): The name of the WS to call.
  • params (object): The params for the WS call.
  • preSets (object): Extra options for the WS call: whether to use cache or not, etc.
  • useOtherDataForWS (any): Whether to include otherdata (from the get_content WS call) in the params for the WS call. If not supplied, no other data will be added. If supplied but empty (null, false or empty string) all the otherdata will be added. If it’s an array, it will only copy the properties whose names are in the array.
  • form (string): ID or name to identify a form in the template. The form will be obtained from document.forms. If supplied and form is found, the form data will be retrieved and sent to the WS.
  • confirmMessage (string): Message to confirm the action when the user clicks the element. If not supplied, no confirmation. If supplied but empty, default message ("Are you sure?").
  • component (string): The component of the new content.
  • method (string): The method to get the new content.
  • args (object): The params to get the new content.
  • title (string): The title to display with the new content. Only if samePage=false.
  • samePage (boolean): Whether to display the content in same page or open a new one. Defaults to new page.
  • useOtherData (any): Whether to include otherdata (from the get_content WS call) in the args for the new get_content call. The format is the same as in useOtherDataForWS.

Example usages:

A button to get some data from the server without using cache, showing default confirm and displaying a new page: <button ion-button core-site-plugins-call-ws-new-content name="mod_certificate_get_issued_certificates" [params]="{certificateid: <% %>}" [preSets]="{getFromCache: 0, saveToCache: 0}" confirmMessage title="<% %>" component="mod_certificate" method="mobile_issues_view" [args]="{cmid: <% cmid %>, courseid: <% courseid %>}">

   Template:'plugin.mod certificate.getissued'


A button to get some data from the server using cache, without confirm, displaying new content in same page and using userid from otherdata: <button ion-button core-site-plugins-call-ws-new-content name="mod_certificate_get_issued_certificates" [params]="{certificateid: <% %>}" component="mod_certificate" method="mobile_issues_view" [args]="{cmid: <% cmid %>, courseid: <% courseid %>}" samePage="true" [useOtherData]="['userid']">

   Template:'plugin.mod certificate.getissued'



Directive to call a WS as soon as the template is loaded. This directive is meant for actions to do in the background, like calling logging Web Services.

If you want to call a WS when the user clicks on a certain element, please see core-site-plugins-call-ws.

  • name (string): The name of the WS to call.
  • params (object): The params for the WS call.
  • preSets (object): Extra options for the WS call: whether to use cache or not, etc.
  • useOtherDataForWS (any): Whether to include otherdata (from the get_content WS call) in the params for the WS call. If not supplied, no other data will be added. If supplied but empty (null, false or empty string) all the otherdata will be added. If it’s an array, it will only copy the properties whose names are in the array.
  • form (string): ID or name to identify a form in the template. The form will be obtained from document.forms. If supplied and form is found, the form data will be retrieved and sent to the WS.

Example usage: <span core-site-plugins-call-ws-on-load name="mod_certificate_view_certificate" [params]="{certificateid: <% %>}" [preSets]="{getFromCache: 0, saveToCache: 0}">

Advanced features

Display the plugin only if certain conditions are met

You might want to display your plugin in the mobile app only if certain dynamic conditions are met, so the plugin would be displayed only for some users. This can be achieved using the "bootstrap" method (for more info, please see the Bootstrapping section ahead).

All the bootstrap methods are called as soon as your plugin is retrieved. If you don't want your plugin to be displayed for the current user, then you should return an exception in this bootstrap method. It's recommended to include a message explaining why the plugin isn't available for the current user, this exception will be logged in the Javascript console.

On the other hand, you might want to display a plugin only for certain courses (CoreCourseOptionsDelegate) or only if the user is viewing certain users' profiles (CoreUserDelegate). This can be achieved with the bootstrap method too.

In the bootstrap method you can return a "restrict" property with two fields in it: courses and users. If you return a list of courses IDs in this restrict property, then your plugin will only be displayed when the user views any of those courses. In the same way, if you return a list of user IDs then your plugin will only be displayed when the user views any of those users' profiles.

Using “otherdata”

The values returned by the functions in otherdata are added to a variable so they can be used both in Javascript and in templates. The otherdata returned by a bootstrap call is added to a variable named BOOTSTRAP_OTHERDATA, while the otherdata returned by a get_content WS call is added to a variable named CONTENT_OTHERDATA.

The otherdata returned by a bootstrap call will be passed to the JS and template of all the get_content calls in that handler. The otherdata returned by a get_content call will only be passed to the JS and template returned by that get_content call.

This means that, in your Javascript, you can access and use these data like this: this.CONTENT_OTHERDATA.myVar And in the template you could use it like this: Template:CONTENT OTHERDATA.myVar myVar is the name we put to one of our variables, it can be the name you want. In the example above, this is the otherdata returned by the PHP method:

array('myVar' => 'Initial value')


In our plugin we want to display an input text with a certain initial value. When the user clicks a button, we want the value in the input to be sent to a certain WebService. This can be done using otherdata.

We will return the initial value of the input in the otherdata of our PHP method: 'otherdata' => array('myVar' => 'My initial value'), Then in the template we will use it like this: <ion-item text-wrap>

   <ion-label stacked>Template:'plugin.mod certificate.textlabel</ion-label>
   <ion-input type="text" [(ngModel)]="CONTENT_OTHERDATA.myVar"></ion-input>

</ion-item> <ion-item>

   <button ion-button block color="light" core-site-plugins-call-ws name="mod_certificate_my_webservice" [useOtherDataForWS]="['myVar']">
       Template:'plugin.mod certificate.send


In the example above, we are creating an input text and we use [(ngModel)] to use the value in myVar as the initial value and to store the changes in the same myVar variable. This means that the initial value of the input will be “My initial value”, and if the user changes the value of the input these changes will be applied to the myVar variable. This is called 2-way data binding in Angular.

Then we add a button to send this data to a WS, and for that we use the directive core-site-plugins-call-ws. We use the useOtherDataForWS attribute to specify which variable from otherdata we want to send to our WebService. So if the user enters “A new value” in the input and then clicks the button, it will call the WebService mod_certificate_my_webservice and will send as a param: myVar -> “A new value”.

We can achieve the same result using the params attribute of the core-site-plugins-call-ws directive instead of using useOtherDataForWS: <button ion-button block color="light" core-site-plugins-call-ws name="mod_certificate_my_webservice" [params]="{myVar: CONTENT_OTHERDATA.myVar}">

   Template:'plugin.mod certificate.send

</button> The WebService call will be exactly the same with both buttons.

Please notice that this example could be done without using otherdata too, using the “form” input of the core-site-plugins-call-ws directive.


All handlers can specify a “bootstrap” method in the mobile.php file. This method is meant to return some JavaScript code that needs to be executed as soon as the plugin is retrieved.

When the app retrieves all the handlers, the first thing it will do is call the tool_mobile_get_content WebService with the bootstrap method. This WS call will only receive the default args.

The app will immediately execute the JavaScript code returned by this WS call. This JavaScript can be used to manually register your handlers in the delegates you want, without having to rely on the default handlers built based on the mobile.php data.

The templates returned by this bootstrap method will be added to a BOOTSTRAP_TEMPLATES variable that will be passed to all the Javascript code of that handler. This means that the Javascript returned by the bootstrap method or the “main” method can access any of the templates HTML like this: this.BOOTSTRAP_TEMPLATES[‘main’]; In this case, “main” is the ID of the template we want to use.

The same happens with the otherdata returned by this bootstrap method, it is added to a BOOTSTRAP_OTHERDATA variable.

The restrict field returned by this bootstrap call will be used to determine if your handler is enabled or not. For example, if your handler is for the delegate CoreCourseOptionsDelegate and you return a list of courseids in restrict->courses, then your handler will only be enabled in the courses you returned. This only applies to the “default” handlers, if you register your own handler using the Javascript code then you should check yourself if the handler is enabled.

Finally, if you return an object in this bootstrap Javascript code, all the properties of that object will be passed to all the Javascript code of that handler so you can use them when the code is run. For example, if your bootstrap Javascript code does something like this: var result = {

   MyAddonClass: new MyAddonClass()

}; result: Then, for the rest of Javascript code of your handler (e.g. for the “main” method) you can use this variable like this: this.MyAddonClass


Module link handler

A link handler allows you to decide what to do when a link with a certain URL is clicked. This is useful, for example, to open your module when a link to the module is clicked. In this example we’ll create a link handler to detect links to a certificate module using a bootstrap JavaScript: var that = this;

function AddonModCertificateModuleLinkHandler() {, that.CoreCourseHelperProvider, 'mmaModCertificate', 'certificate'); = "AddonModCertificateLinkHandler";


AddonModCertificateModuleLinkHandler.prototype = Object.create(this.CoreContentLinksModuleIndexHandler.prototype); AddonModCertificateModuleLinkHandler.prototype.constructor = AddonModCertificateModuleLinkHandler;

this.CoreContentLinksDelegate.registerHandler(new AddonModCertificateModuleLinkHandler());

Module prefetch handler

The CoreCourseModuleDelegate handler allows you to define a list of offlinefunctions to prefetch a module. However, you might want to create your own prefetch handler to determine what needs to be downloaded. For example, you might need to chain WS calls (pass the result of a WS call to the next one), and this cannot be done using offlinefunctions.

Here’s an example on how to create a prefetch handler using bootstrap JS: var that = this;

function AddonModCertificateModulePrefetchHandler() {, that.injector); = "certificate";
   this.component = "mmaModCertificate";
   this.updatesNames = /^configuration$|^.*files$/;


AddonModCertificateModulePrefetchHandler.prototype = Object.create(this.CoreCourseModulePrefetchHandlerBase.prototype); AddonModCertificateModulePrefetchHandler.prototype.constructor = AddonModCertificateModulePrefetchHandler;

AddonModCertificateModulePrefetchHandler.prototype.downloadOrPrefetch = function(module, courseId, prefetch, dirPath) {

   var promises = [];
   promises.push(, module, courseId, prefetch, dirPath));
   promises.push(that.sitesProvider.getCurrentSite().read("mod_certificate_get_certificates_by_courses", {courseids: [courseId]}));

return Promise.all(promises); };

this.CoreCourseModulePrefetchDelegate.registerHandler(new AddonModCertificateModulePrefetchHandler());

Single activity course format

In the following example, the value of BOOTSTRAP_TEMPLATES["main"] is:

<core-dynamic-component [component]="componentClass" [data]="data"></core-dynamic-component>

This template is returned by the bootstrap method. And this is the JavaScript code returned by the bootstrap method: var that = this;

function getAddonSingleActivityFormatComponent() {

   function AddonSingleActivityFormatComponent() { = {};
   AddonSingleActivityFormatComponent.prototype.constructor = AddonSingleActivityFormatComponent;
   AddonSingleActivityFormatComponent.prototype.ngOnChanges = function(changes) {
       var self = this;
       if (this.course && this.sections && this.sections.length) {
           var module = this.sections[0] && this.sections[0].modules && this.sections[0].modules[0];
           if (module && !this.componentClass) {
               that.CoreCourseModuleDelegate.getMainComponent(that.Injector, this.course, module).then((component) => {
                   self.componentClass = component || that.CoreCourseUnsupportedModuleComponent;
  = module;
   AddonSingleActivityFormatComponent.prototype.doRefresh = function(refresher, done) {
       return Promise.resolve(this.dynamicComponent.callComponentFunction("doRefresh", [refresher, done]));

return AddonSingleActivityFormatComponent; };

function AddonSingleActivityFormatHandler() { = "singleactivity";


AddonSingleActivityFormatHandler.prototype.constructor = AddonSingleActivityFormatHandler;

AddonSingleActivityFormatHandler.prototype.isEnabled = function() {

   return true;


AddonSingleActivityFormatHandler.prototype.canViewAllSections = function(course) {

   return false;


AddonSingleActivityFormatHandler.prototype.getCourseTitle = function(course, sections) {

   if (sections && sections[0] && sections[0].modules && sections[0].modules[0]) {
       return sections[0].modules[0].name;
   return course.fullname || "";


AddonSingleActivityFormatHandler.prototype.displayEnableDownload = function(course) {

   return false;


AddonSingleActivityFormatHandler.prototype.displaySectionSelector = function(course) {

   return false;


AddonSingleActivityFormatHandler.prototype.getCourseFormatComponent = function(injector, course) {

   that.Injector = injector || that.Injector;
   return that.CoreCompileProvider.instantiateDynamicComponent(that.BOOTSTRAP_TEMPLATES["main"], getAddonSingleActivityFormatComponent(), injector);


this.CoreCourseFormatDelegate.registerHandler(new AddonSingleActivityFormatHandler());

Using the JavaScript API

The Javascript API is partly supported right now, only the CoreUserProfileFieldDelegate supports it now. This API allows you to override any of the functions of the default handler.

The “method” specified in a handler registered in the CoreUserProfileFieldDelegate will be called immediately after the bootstrap method, and the Javascript returned by this method will be run. If this Javascript code returns an object with certain functions, these function will override the ones in the default handler.

For example, if the Javascript returned by the method returns something like this:

var result = {

   getData: function(field, signup, registerAuth, formValues) {

}; result;

The the getData function of the default handler will be overridden by the returned getData function.

The default handler for CoreUserProfileFieldDelegate only has 2 functions: getComponent and getData. In addition, the JavaScript code can return an extra function named componentInit that will be executed when the component returned by getComponent is initialized.

Here’s an example on how to support the text user profile field using this API:

var that = this;

var result = {

   componentInit: function() {
       if (this.field && this.edit && this.form) {
           this.field.modelName = "profile_field_" + this.field.shortname;
           if (this.field.param2) {
               this.field.maxlength = parseInt(this.field.param2, 10) || "";
           this.field.inputType = that.CoreUtilsProvider.isTrueOrOne(this.field.param3) ? "password" : "text";
           var formData = {
               value: this.field.defaultdata,
               disabled: this.disabled
           this.form.addControl(this.field.modelName, that.FormBuilder.control(formData, this.field.required && !this.field.locked ? that.Validators.required : null));
   getData: function(field, signup, registerAuth, formValues) {
       var name = "profile_field_" + field.shortname;
       return {
           type: "text",
           name: name,
           value: that.CoreTextUtilsProvider.cleanTags(formValues[name])


