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Usability issues - Send in ratings

From MoodleDocs

Comparison of the work and consistence of assignment quick grading, the gradebook, and forum grading systems that provides multiple grades


Comparison of the three grading systems
ID Grading system Fields Fields that could be added
1 Gradebook Overridden, Final grade, excluded, hidden, hidden until, locked, locked after, feedback, format, html format. Information about the user and time of the grading and possibility to change the grade without clicking override.
2 Quick grading Information about the user and time, Grade, Feedback Excluded, hidden, hidden until, locked, locked after, feedback, format, html format.
3 Forum rating Grade (you can evaluate given a scale (specified in the forum settings)) A link which allows more advanced grading from that page: Information about the user and time, Feedback, excluded, hidden, hidden until, locked, locked after, feedback, format, html format.



gradebook normal mode.png Editgradebook.JPG


Quickgrading.JPG Quickgrading2.JPG

Forum rating example

Forum rating example1 mu.png

Usability recommendations for developers in order to preserve consistency

It would be better if there are two types of grading:

  • Type of grading 1: Includes the gradebook and quick grading that would have the following fields: Information about the user and time, Grade, Feedback, excluded, hidden, hidden until, locked, locked after, feedback, format, html format (that is all the information of the gradebook and the quickgrading).
  • Type of grading 2: Used in the Forum rating, you can grade (often you chose the grade with a select box) and a link to the first type of grading.
  • Type 2 should display not only the grading mark but also any comments that have been added.
  • Type 2 should have the submit button at the bottom of the page and next to each grade so there is not an usability problem when if there are many posts per page.