Talk:New lesson navigation
I like the idea of checkpoints. But I suspect that getting rid of jumps with a question is going to be complicated. I guess you might have to put one of the filters in checkpoint to check the previous page, if student selected answer 1 then, answer 2, then, else all others. Of course we could say the same thing about a branch page. Why should it have jumps?
Could you somehow add a checkpoint page as a form option for a branch or question page? Either as a lesson setting or something like the redisplay for the HTML editor.
It would be sort of clutzy to have a teacher check off that this page should be grade neutral or not, and show vert, horiz choices, with the choices displayed in button or radio forms. :) --Chris collman 11:42, 27 May 2007 (CDT)
Separating out functions from question jumps
I appreciate that bringing in a question from Quiz can be a pain.
- How are we going to move checkpoints that were designed to be used with a specific question? Two step move process? Place a link in a question to use checkpoint#42 ?
- The check point will change the specific adaptive potential of a Lesson question to a more general one. A score between 40 and 60% will not help me identify which area needs work.
- Think about a multiple choice math problem, or even a numeric question. Now I have to score each answer with a different percentage, the check point will allow me to set a range so I can identify the selected answer. But now I have given partial credit for a wrong answer and so 1 wrong answer is worth more than an other. The same thing could be true for a history or a biology question.
I was thinking that just importing basic question data into a lesson question form would work. The default jump for the full mark answer is next page, all the rest stay on the same page. Just as in a quiz, I import the question from the question bank and then if I want to change the marks, I can do it. The evaluation question (fill in blank and numeric) types are more difficult, but I would still do it the same way.
Probably the quiz module defined the core data points for a question in the question bank. Likely these include things are not used in Lesson. Obviously, the common data fields are really the core. Not that big a deal, when a lesson person creates a question in question bank for one of those non-common data fields, there should be a default to keep quiz people and the question bank developer happy. A teacher who wants to use the question in both quiz and lesson can change the default.
The biggest issue I see is how to extract out questions from a lesson to a question bank in the conversion process. Some kind of take this lesson, extract the questions to this question category, then go to question bank and deal with them. The translation is probably going to be rough with some question types :)
The way I understand it, the question bank is really there for pushing: export into quiz, export into Lesson, export into a "random question block", export to be published, or what ever. There is a level of contextual permission which determines who can edit/copy/use a question. I use 1.5 quiz/questions on a daily basis, but I believe in 1.9 I can import a question into my quiz, but essentially if I edit it, under some conditions the question is being edited as a copy, exclusive to my quiz. So I don't get how checkpoints will make life any easier with question bank :)
I offer this long winded section as discussion points not to be negative or critical. But I will admit, change is always difficult for this bald guy, who loves his ruts.
I suspect many teachers have a huge investment in creating adaptive lessons via the questions. I like many of the ideas around a checkpoint, but my instincts say that generalizing a specific question's score for the conditional jumps is sort of moving the wrong way. Getting rid of clusters, end of clusters and end of branches with a checkpoint is a step in the right direction. One form fits all.
Best --Chris collman 15:31, 21 January 2009 (CST)