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Repository plugins database

From MoodleDocs


Field Type Default Info
id int(10) autoincrementing
type varchar(255) The type of the repository
visible tinyint(1)
sortorder int(10)


This table contains one entry for every configured external repository instance.

Field Type Default Info
id int(10) autoincrementing
name varchar 255 A custom name for this repository (non-unique)
typeid int(10) The id of repository type
userid int(10) The person who created this repository instance
contextid int(10) The context that this repository is available to ( = system context for site-wide ones)
username varchar(255) username to log in with, if required (almost never!)
password varchar(255) password to log in with, if required (almost never!)
timecreated int(10) The time this repository was created
timemodified int(10) The last time the repository was modified


Field Type Default Info
id int(10) autoincrementing
instanceid int(int)
name varchar(255)
value Text