
第42行: 第42行:
    $ sudo -u apache /usr/bin/php admin/cli/install.php --lang=cs
    $ sudo -u apache /usr/bin/php admin/cli/install.php --lang=cs

== Maintenance mode ==
== 维护模式 ==

To switch your site into the maintenance mode via CLI, you can use

    $ sudo -u apache /usr/bin/php admin/cli/maintenance.php --enable
    $ sudo -u apache /usr/bin/php admin/cli/maintenance.php --enable

To turn the maintenance mode off, just execute the same script with --disable parameter.
如果希望将 Moodle 的网站状态设置为活动状态,请使用同样的命令行,但是使用 --disable 作为参数。

== Offline mode ==
== Offline mode ==

於 2013年8月29日 (四) 04:56 的最新修訂

如果你可以訪問 Web 伺服器的控制台,你會發現 Moodle 有一系列的管理員腳本工具可以供你使用。

可以使用的核心管理員工具位於 admin/cli/* 目錄中。

如果其他插件也提供了管理員命令行工具,那這個工具通常位於插件安裝目錄自己的 cli 文件夾中。

例如 enrol_db 同步腳本就位於 enrol/db/cli/ 文件夾中。

為了避免訪問控制權限的問題,你應該使用這些命令行工具的所有人權限來運行這些腳本。這個在 Moodle 進行安裝和升級的時候尤其重要,因為 Moodle 在安裝和升級的時候將會在 Moodledata 目錄和 Web 伺服器的目錄中寫入文件。

在 Linux 的環境下,作業系統通常使用 apache 或者 wwrun 或者 httpd 或者其他相似的用戶。

作為一個 root 用戶,你可以以下面的形式執行 Moodle CLI 腳本

   $ cd /path/to/your/moodle/dir
   $ sudo -u apache /usr/bin/php admin/cli/somescript.php --params

很多腳本都使用 --help (或 -h) 參數來顯示有用的幫助信息,例如:

   $ sudo -u apache /usr/bin/php admin/cli/install.php --help

Upgrading via command line

Moodle can be upgraded from the command line. As with the installation script, there is either interactive or non-interactive mode of the upgrade. The script itself does not put the site into the maintenance mode, you have to do it on your own. Also, the script does not backup any data (if you read this page, you probably have some own scripts to backup your moodledata and the database, right?)

   $ sudo -u apache /usr/bin/php admin/cli/upgrade.php

Upgrading via command line is a very comfortable way of Moodle upgrade if you use Git checkout of the Moodle source code (see Git for Administrators). See the following procedure how to upgrade your site within several seconds to the most recent version while preserving your eventual local customizations tracked in git repository:

   $ cd /var/www/sites/moodle/htdocs/
   $ sudo -u apache /usr/bin/php admin/cli/maintenance.php --enable
   $ git pull
   $ sudo -u apache /usr/bin/php admin/cli/upgrade.php
   $ sudo -u apache /usr/bin/php admin/cli/maintenance.php --disable

Installation via command line

Since version 2.0, Moodle can be installed from the command line. There are two modes of installation. In interactive mode, the install script asks you for all data needed to properly set up new Moodle site. In non-interactive mode, you must provide all required data as the script parameters and then the new site is installed silently. The parameters can be passed in the interactive mode, too. The provided values are then used as the default values during the interactive session.

   $ sudo -u apache /usr/bin/php admin/cli/install.php --lang=cs



   $ sudo -u apache /usr/bin/php admin/cli/maintenance.php --enable

如果希望將 Moodle 的網站狀態設置為活動狀態,請使用同樣的命令行,但是使用 --disable 作為參數。

Offline mode

In some situations, you may want to switch your Moodle site into offline mode so that it is not accessible via the web but you can not stop the web server completely (typically because there are other web pages and applications running there). If a file called climaintenance.html exists in the root folder of moodledata directory, Moodle will automatically display the contents of that file instead of any other page.

   $ cd /var/www/sites/moodle/moodledata/
   $ echo '<h1>Sorry, maintenance in progress</h1>' > climaintenance.html

You can prepare a nice formatted HTML page to inform your users about the server being down and keep in the moodledata directory under a name like climaintenance.off and rename it to the climaintenance.html if needed.

Custom site defaults

During the install and upgrade via CLI, Moodle sets the administration variables to the default values. You can use different defaults. See MDL-17850 for details. Shortly, all you need to do is to add a file local/defaults.php into your Moodle installation. The format of the file is like

<?php $defaults['pluginname']['settingname'] = 'settingvalue'; // for plugins $defaults['moodle']['settingname'] = 'settingvalue'; // for core settings

These defaults are used during install, upgrade and are also displayed as defaults at the Site administration pages.

Reset user password

If you happen to forget your admin password (or you want to set a password for any other user of your Moodle system), you can use reset_password.php script. The script sets the correctly salted password for the given user.

   $ sudo -u apache /usr/bin/php admin/cli/reset_password.php

MySQL storage engine conversion

If you run your Moodle site with MySQL database backend and use the default MyISAM as the storage engine for your tables, you may want to convert them to use some more reliable engine like InnoDB (actually, you should want to switch to PostgreSQL ;-) anyway).

   $ sudo -u apache /usr/bin/php admin/cli/mysql_engine.php --engine=InnoDB

Running cron via command line

In versions 1.x, you could execute admin/cron.php either from command line or via the web. Since Moodle 2.0, only admin/cli/cron.php script can be run via command line.

Database transfer

A command line script for Database transfer may be found in admin/tool/dbtransfer/cli/migrate.php.

Update user pictures via command line


Tested for 2.3.1+

Place this file in /admin/cli/updatepics.php

How to use: Run with "dir" option to specify which directory contains the files.

  .../admin/cli/updatepics.php --dir=PATH_TO_DIR
  • File names must be identical to usernames

Manage MOD's,Blocks via command line

Here are two scripts to help you manage your plugins.


How to use "manage_blocks.php": place in /admin/cli

hide: ../admin/cli/manage_blocks.php --name=tag_youtube --hide

show: ../admin/cli/manage_blocks.php --name=tag_youtube --show

delete: ../admin/cli/manage_blocks.php --name=tag_youtube --delete

protect: ../admin/cli/manage_blocks.php --name=tag_youtube --protect

unprotect: ../admin/cli/manage_blocks.php --name=tag_youtube --unprotect

(obviously - replace "tag_youtube" with the blockthat you want to remove...)

How to use "manage_mods.php":

hide: ../admin/cli/manage_blocks.php --name=game --hide

show: ../admin/cli/manage_blocks.php --name=game --show

delete: ../admin/cli/manage_blocks.php --name=game --delete

  • Important!

this script does not delete the relevant folder in /moodle/mod or /moodle/blocks

you have to delete it yourself !

Update language pack via CLI


Place attached file in /admin/cli and simply run it, without any command-line arguments :)

ReSort course list via CLI


Place attached file in /admin/cli and simply run it, without any command-line arguments :)

I import courses every night from an external system, and run this script afterwards

Purge caches via CLI

You can purge caches using this script:

 php admin/cli/purge_caches.php