Attention : vous consultez actuellement la documentation dédiée aux versions 1.x de Moodle. La documentation pour les versions 2.x de Moodle est consultable ici : FAQ d'administration, celle pour les versions 3.x de Moodle est consultable ici : FAQ d'administration et celle pour Moodle 4.x est consultable là : FAQ d'administration.

« FAQ d'administration » : différence entre les versions

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{{En cours de traduction}}{{FAQ}}== Comment changer les textes de l'interface de Moodle ? ==
{{FAQ}}== Comment changer les textes de l'interface de Moodle ? ==

Les textes de l'interface de Moodle peuvent être adaptés en modifiant les paquetages de langues dans Administration >> Configuration >> [[admin/lang | Langue]].
Les textes de l'interface de Moodle peuvent être adaptés en modifiant les paquetages de langues dans Administration >> Configuration >> [[admin/lang | Langue]].

Version du 30 mars 2008 à 16:30

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Comment changer les textes de l'interface de Moodle ?

Les textes de l'interface de Moodle peuvent être adaptés en modifiant les paquetages de langues dans Administration >> Configuration >> Langue.

Comment faire pour que mon installation de Moodle ressemble à celle de ?

Consultez homepage design of (en anglais) pour des détails exhaustifs.

Comment fonctionnent les limites de taille des fichiers déposés ?

La taille des fichiers déposés est réglée de plusieurs façons, chacune d'entre elles restreignant les suivantes.

1. En premier lieu, un réglage du serveur web Apache vous permet de modifier ce paramètre. On le règle en ajoutant ou modifiant une ligne du fichier de configuration de Apache /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf et/ou /etc/httpd/conf.d/php.conf en indiquant la taille en octets comme indiqué ci-dessous.

LimitRequestBody 10485760

Dans d'autre systèmes d'exploitation, le fichier de configuration peut être situé ailleurs. Par exemple, dans Mac OS X, on le trouve ici /private/etc/apache2/httpd.conf.

2. PHP propose deux autres limites en octets, que l'on peut définir dans le fichier php.ini et parfois dans un fichier .htaccess:

php_value upload_max_filesize 50000000
php_value post_max_size 50000000

Un redémarrage de Apache sera nécessaire pour que les nouveaux réglages soient actifs.

3. Moodle propose une limite pour tout le site, appelée maxbytes, et qui peut être fixée dans Administration >> Configuration >> Paramètres techniques.

4. Une limite (par cours) peut être fixée par les enseignants dans les Paramètres du cours.

5. Certains modules d'activité, comme Forum et Devoir possèdent leur propre limite, qui peut être définie dans les paramètre de l'activité.

Voir aussi

How to change upload file size on a Windows localhost

In a localhost (using a en:Complete install packages on a computer) for 1.6 it is easy to change the uploaded file size to something larger than the default 16M.

Here is an example of how to change the upload file size to 100M.

  • Find ../Apache/bin/php.ini and open it with WordPad by right-clicking -> Open With -> then choose WordPad.
  • In this file scroll or do a search on the text "_max_" to find upload_max_filesize = 16M
  • Change that line to
upload_max_filesize = 100M
  • In the same way, find post_max_size = 16M
  • Change that line to
post_max_size = 100M
  • Save the file.

After any changes to the php.ini file you need to restart Apache. So restart xampp and browse to localhost. You should find that the Upload file size in Configuration now reads 100M.

Voir aussi

  • Instructions below on How to change the maximum execution time

Comment changer la durée maximale d'exécution ?

A side-effect of increasing the file upload limit is that the php scripts may execute beyond the limit set by default (300 seconds/5 minutes). To change this, look for max_execution_time in php.ini and change to something like this:

max_execution_time = 600

If you are using Apache and have a .htaccess file to change php settings, add this line to your .htaccess file:

php_value max_execution_time 600

Restart your webserver for these changes to take effect, and check that the values have been changed by looking at your phpinfo output in the moodle admin -> environment page.

J'ai oublié le mot de passe de l'administrateur

Firstly, try using the button "Send my details via email". Otherwise, you will need to access the database using MySQL admin. Passwords for all users, including admin, are stored encrypted in the table mdl_user. Copy the guest password (guest) into the admin password field then login using it.

Additional solutions are detailed in the discussions change admin's password and login/password.

My log table has disappeared - No logs found!

The most likely cause is that the mdl_log table has become corrupted. See the database repair section below.

My style sheet changes aren't showing up

Browsers usually cache style sheets and so a forced refresh (CTRL + F5) is required before any changes show up.

Site-wide scales

To add a site-wide scale, available in all courses, follow the Scales link in any course Administration block. Add a new scale, then use the move down arrow to move the scale from custom scales to standard scales.

Users are being unenrolled for no apparent reason

Unenrolment may be controlled by the following:

  • The longtimenosee variable in Administration >> Configuration >> Variables which specifies the time limit for which, if students haven't logged in, they are unenrolled from courses.
  • The Enrolment duration in the Course settings which unenrols students after the specified time has elapsed.

Why do I see [[missing strings]]?

Double square brackets around text indicate that language strings are missing. Please check for missing strings and update local language packs in Administration >> Configuration >> Langue.

Language strings for non-standard modules and plugins are generally contained in a lang folder within the module or plugin folder. For sites which have migrated to UTF-8, it may be necessary to re-name the folder e.g. en should be re-named en_utf8.

Comment connaitre la version de Moodle installée ?

See this document on Moodle version information.

Comment réparer une base de données de Moodle corrompue ?

Database corruption can be repaired using the mysqlcheck command:

#mysqlcheck –u moodleuser –p –-auto-repair moodle

Your mysql database server must be running when executing the mysqlcheck command. If there are problems with the tables, the auto-repair option will fix them. Re-run the command again to double-check that all is OK.

Individual Moodle tables may be repaired using MySQL Admin/PHPMyAdmin as follows:

  • In the databases section, select the Moodle database.
  • Click the SQL tab, then in the "Run SQL query/queries on database moodle" field type
REPAIR TABLE mdl_tablename
  • Click the Go button.

For example, to repair the Moodle log tables, type REPAIR TABLE mdl_log

See also:

Re. Site files, what does "files placed here can be accessed by anyone" mean?

Unlike course files, which require a user to have appropriate rights in order to access them, files within the site files folder are accessible by anyone provided with the URI. For example visitors to the site may view images stored in the site files folder without being logged in. Please refer to en:Site files for more information.

Mon site reste bloqué en mode de maintenance

Sometimes Moodle gets stuck in maintenance mode and you'll see the message "This site is undergoing maintenance and is currently unavailable" despite your attempts to turn-off maintenance mode. When you put Moodle into maintenance mode it creates a file called maintenance.html in moodledata/1/maintenance.html (the site files folder). To fix this try the following:

  • Check that the web server user has write permissions to the moodledata folder.
  • Manually delete the maintenance.html file.

J'obtiens une page incomplète lorsque j'active le mode édition

This is usually as a result of an incompatible non-standard module or block that you have installed. Follow these steps:

  1. Find any non-standard modules or blocks you have installed in the moodle/mod or moodle/blocks folders.
  2. Move these to another folder outside the moodle folder.
  3. Re-visit your course page and try clicking on the "Turn Editing On" button again.
  4. Repeat the process until you find the one that is causing the problems.

Once you have found an incompatible module/block, please report the problem to the author in the Modules and Plugins page.

Je ne peux pas supprimer le forum des nouvelles dans un cours

Voir la page Forum des nouvelles.