Guía rápida de Conteo de palabras

De MoodleDocs
Revisión del 17:17 14 may 2016 de German Valero (discusión | contribs.) (added page)
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¿Qué es conteo de palabras?

Conteo de palabras ( Word count ) es un plugin para el editor Atto que se usa para crear cntenido dentro de Moodle. Este plugin le permite al autor del texto, como por ejemplo un estudiante, revisar cuantas palabras y letras tiene un párrafo de texto.

¿Cómo se configura?

When configured it displays an icon # in the Atto editor. It has to be enabled by an administrator by being added to the toolbar config box. This is found in Site administration > Plugins >Text editors > Atto HTML editor >Toolbar settings

¿Cómo funciona?

When students type text into the Atto editor, for example in an forum post or an assignment, they can click the icon and a pop up will display, showing them how many words and letters they have already produced. This can be helpful when they need to type a certain number of words for an essay.

atto count.png

¿Cómo lo obtengo?

Word count for Atto is a contributed plugin which must be installed by an administrator from the plugins directory here.