FAQ roles

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Quiero que todos mis profesores sean capaces de crear cursos. ¿Cómo puedo hacer esto?

  1. Create a new role called C-only (or whatever) and only assign "allow" to "Create courses" leaving everything else as "inherit".
  2. Assign this additional role to those who need the ability to create courses at whatever level you want to (entire site or category). It makes no sense to assign it at the course level since you can't create a course within a course.

Cúal es la definición de...

An identifier of the user's status in some context. For example, teacher, student and forum moderator are examples of roles.
A description of some particular Moodle feature. Capabilities are associated with roles. For example, being able to reply to a forum post is a capability.
Some value that is assigned for a capability for a particular role. For example, using the prevent permission to limit all students from posting to any forum.
A "space" in the Moodle, such as courses, activity modules, blocks, forums etc.
Jerarquía de los permisos
Determines which permission wins or is going to be in effect if there is an apparent conflict. For example, the site allows all students the permission to to post in forums, but a teacher might prevent that right in a particular course. The hierarchy of permissions would allow a student to post in one course but not in another course.