Notas de Moodle 3.2.5

De MoodleDocs

Nota: Esta es una traducción de una página de la documentación para desarrolladores (Developer docs), que se considera particularmente importante, y que en su versión original se actualiza frecuentemente. Por ello, se le recomienda que revise la página original en idioma inglés: Moodle 3.2.5 release notes.

Moodle 3.2

Historia de las versiones > Notas de Moodle 3.2.5

Fecha de liberación: 11 de septiembre de 2017.

Aquí está la lista completa de problemas corregidos en 3.2.5.

Características Principales

  • MDL-57412 - La configuración de "Siempre enlazar secciones de curso" debería aplicarse consistentemente en Boost y Clean/More
  • MDL-58196 - "Requerir calificación aprobatoria" en las Configuraciones de finalización de actividad solamente puede activarse si también está activado "El estudiante debe recibir una calificación"
  • MDL-57698 - Compostura de problema: Respaldar y restaurar causan bloqueo con el manejador de sqlsrv

Composturas y mejoras

  • MDL-55912 - Assignment: when blink marking is enabled, students should receive teacher participant number in the email and not their own
  • MDL-54607 - Calendar export should not export events without duration as full-day events, i.e. assignment due dates have time component that was being lost during export
  • MDL-59490 - Bug fix: LTI does not work when activity has a long name
  • MDL-55937 - Assignment: fixed error when viewing attachments of team submission
  • MDL-35290 - My private files should continue working even if some files in filesystem are currently unreadable
  • MDL-57259 - Fixed bug that caused polluting error.log with debugging information when teachers use assignment grading
  • MDL-56646 - Assignment: changing maximum grade of the module could result in negative grades in assignment which were pushed as "0" to the gradebook. This bug was fixed and will not happen in the future. However, according to Moodle policy, no existing grades were changed. Teachers will see the warning that there are erroneous grades and will be able to fix all of them with one click
  • MDL-54965 - Database module: fixed SQL error when you edit an entry after having added a new picture/file field
  • MDL-46495 - When uploading courses the setting "Completion tracking" should be set to the site default
  • MDL-38129 - Grade export of user profile fields can now work with uppercase letters in the fields names
  • MDL-59317 - Performance improvements on the messages page
  • MDL-57246 - Trying to view a forum without the capability may lead you to a broken page.
  • MDL-55364 - Forum headers alignment on narrow screens
  • MDL-58119 - Use Cache-Control: immutable (backport of MDL-57789)
  • MDL-57649 - Lesson: Fixed bug deleting files unrelated to the pages being deleted
  • MDL-59195 - Assignments: when switching role to student teacher should be able to view group submissions
  • MDL-59068 - Lesson: Restore the behaviour of "No, I just want to go on to the next question"

Asuntos de seguridad

A number of security related issues were resolved. Details of these issues will be released after a period of approximately one week to allow system administrators to safely update to the latest version.

Para desarrolladores

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