Autenticación OAuth 2

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The OAuth 2 authentication plugin enables users to log in using their Google, Microsoft and/or Facebook account. If enabled, when a user first logs in, a new account will be created. Otherwise, they will be prompted to Ingresos Enlazadosenlazarlo a su cuenta existente with the same email address.

Login page with options to log in with an OAuth 2 service

Enabling OAuth 2 authentication

To use OAuth 2 authentication, an administrator must first create the required OAuth 2 services.

  1. Go to 'OAuth 2 services' in Site administration and click the button to create a new service.
  2. Follow the instructions in Servicio OAuth 2 Google, Servicio OAuth 2 Microsoft or Servicio OAuth 2 Facebook and obtain a client ID and secret.
  3. Enter the client ID and secret and save changes.
  4. Repeat for additional services as desired.
  5. Go to 'Manage authentication' in Site administration and enable the OAuth 2 authentication plugin.
  6. Optional: In the OAuth 2 settings, lock selected user data fields and save changes.

Preventing new account creation

If you don't want new accounts to be created when users log in with an OAuth 2 service:

  1. Go to 'Manage authentication' in Site administration and tick the box 'Prevent account creation when authenticating' (authpreventaccountcreation).
  2. Click the 'Save changes' button.