Configuraciones de libro

De MoodleDocs
Revisión del 16:00 1 jun 2017 de German Valero (discusión | contribs.) (Updated as per 3.3 page)

Nota: Pendiente de Traducir. ¡Anímese a traducir esta página!.     ( y otras páginas pendientes)

Esta página necesita actualizarse con la información existente en la documentación vigente/moderna/actualizada en el idioma inglés original para Moodle. Se le sugiere al lector que consulte la página original en idioma inglés cuyo enlace está al fondo de esta página. y que, por favor, actualice esta información y quite la plantilla {{Actualizar}} cuando haya terminado.     (otras páginas pendientes de actualizar)

Añadirun libro

  • A teacher can add a book by choosing it from the "Add an activity or resource" link (or, if not present, the "Add a resource" drop down menu in course.) All settings may expanded by clicking the "Expand all" link top right.


General settings expanded by default


Use a descriptive name for your book as it will form the link the students will click on to access it.


Provide information for your students here so they are clear what the book is about. Click "Show editing tools" to display the rich text editor and drag the bottom right of the text box out to expand it.

Mostrar descripción en la página del curso

Enabling this will display the description on the course page just below the link to the book.


(These settings are collapsed by default.)

Configuracionews expandidas de apariencia

Formateo de capítulos

The options are:

  • None - chapter and subchapter titles are not formatted at all, use if you want to define special numbering styles. For example letters: in chapter title type "A First Chapter", "A.1 Some Subchapter",...
  • Numbers - chapters and subchapters are numbered (1, 1.1, 1.2, 2, ...)
  • Bullets - subchapters are indented and displayed with bullets.
  • Indented - subchapters are indented.

Estilo de navegación

¡Nueva característica
en Moodle 2.9!

Elija entre tener la navegación como imágenes (1) o enlaces de texto (2) o sin navegación y solamente la Tabla de Contenidos (3)

(1) Imágenes
(2) Enlaces de Texto
(3) Solamente la Tabla de Contenidos

Títulos personalizados

If you disallow custom titles, the chapter title (the one that appears on the table of contents) will appear as a header at the top of your content (1 below) If you enable custom titles, you will be able to create a title different from the one that appears in the ToC or display no title at all (2 below) If you enable custom titles, you will need to enter the chapter title as part of the page content.

Example of a custom title.

Configuraciones comunes del módulo

(These settings are collapsed by default.) See Configuraciones comunes del módulo

Restringir acceso/Finalización de actividad

(These settings are collapsed by default)

These settings are visible if Actividades condicionales and Finalización de actividad have been enabled in the site and the course.

Configuraciones de administración del sitio

The administrator can set the default values for chapter formatting, the available options for chapter numbering and whether or not to require a description from Administration > Site administration > Plugins > Activity modules > Book.

Añadir capítulos y subcapítulos

Titles of chapters appear as links in the table of contents to the left of your content. Keep your titles short.

To add another chapter, click on the red cross in the Table of Contents or first chapter. The new chapter will be inserted directly after the chapter whose title is on the same line as the red cross you click (Screenshot 1).

Note that the sub chapter box is checked. A chapter may have many sub chapters, but sub chapters cannot have subchapters. In order to keep this resource simple, you are limited to two levels (Screenshot 2).

You now see a chapter and a sub chapter. Because we did not elect to number chapters, the fact that the second chapter is a sub chapter cannot be seen in the table of contents. Note that you do, however, see this in the title above the content.

By the way, the items in the table of contents are neither numbered nor are they indented only because that is the option we chose when setting up the book. We can always go back and change that (Screenshot 3).

(1) Adding a new chapter
(2) Adding a subchapter
(3) View of subchapter

Marcas (Tags)

¡Nueva característica
en Moodle 3.3!
Un profesor (o cualquier otro usuario con derechos de edición) puede marcar (tag) capítulos de libro.

Las marcas (Tags) pueden ser gestionadas por un administrador del sitio en Gestionando marcas (tags) en la Administración del sitio. Pueden añadirse marcas (tags) a capítulos de libro a una colección de marcas (tags) especificada y pueden sugerirse o forzarse marcas (tags) estándar. Si se desea, el marcado de capítulos de libro puede deshabilitarse completamente.

Importar capítulos

To import chapters

  • Create a zip file of HTML files and optional multimedia files and folders. If you wish to upload subchapters, add "_sub" to the end of HTML file or folder names.
  • Go to Administration > Book administration > Import chapter
  • Choose whether each HTML file or folder represents one chapter
  • Browse for and select the zip file, either using the Add button or the drag and drop method:
Importar libro
  • Click the import button

Note: Relative file links are converted to absolute chapter links. Images, Flash and Java are re-linked too. Remember to upload images and multimedia files as well as HTML files.

Capacidades de libro