Diferencia entre revisiones de «dev/Plan de desarrollo»

De MoodleDocs
(tidy up)
(tidy up)
Línea 73: Línea 73:
| '''Launch of new Moodle app plans'''
| '''Planes para lanzamiento de nueva Moodle'''
| '''Launch of Workplace hosting<br />
| '''Lanzamiento de alojamiento (hosting) de Workplace<br />
<br />
<br />
'''Free trials
'''Ensayos gratuitos
Línea 82: Línea 82:
| '''Q2'''
| '''Q2'''
'''Release 3.9'''
'''Versión 3.9'''

LLTS (''Long Long Term Support'' = Soporte a Largo Largo Plazo)
LLTS (''Long Long Term Support'' = Soporte a Largo Largo Plazo)

Revisión del 16:50 14 mar 2020

Nota: Esta es una traducción de una página de la documentación para desarrolladores (Developer docs), que se considera particularmente importante, y que en su versión original se actualiza frecuentemente. Por ello, se le recomienda que revise la página original en idioma inglés: Roadmap.

Last Updated: 13 March 2020 Q1


El proyecto Moodle está diseñado para tener un efecto positivo sobre el mundo al apoyar y empoderar a los educadores que están enseñando a estudiantes en todos los sectores, en todos los países.

Para hacer esto, nuestro equipo en Moodle HQ examina los problemas sobre la educación y crea soluciones en la forma de productos que concuerdan con nuestros valores de educación, apertura, respeto, integridad e innovación

This document summarises, for a broad audience, the best current plans on the future technical development of the Moodle’s open source learning platform, consisting of Moodle LMS, Moodle Workplace LMS, MoodleCloud, MoodleNet, Moodle Apps, and Moodle Educator Certificates.

We publish Roadmap updates such as this one every quarter.

De donde viene este plan de desarrollo

Las propuestas para mejoras y nuevas características provienen de una variedad de orígenes.

La retroalimentación de nuestra comunidad es muy importante y Usted puede acercarse a nosotros al

Moodle también tiene una red extensa de Socios Moodle (Moodle Partners). Los Moodle Partners son proveedores de servicios que están certificados por Moodle HQ para proporcionar servicios Moodle de alta calidad para escuelas, instituciones y organizaciones. Nosotros trabajamos muy de cerca con nuestros socios para determinar las necesidades de los Usuarios de Moodle y mejorar la plataforma.

Our Roadmap is built via our Roadmap Process. This process is continuously evolving but it always seeks to involve all our key stakeholders - students, teachers, admins, institutions, and of course our partners and supporters.

El panorama completo

Working on the Moodle learning platform involves millions of moving parts, and every release generally includes hundreds of improvements. However, there are four main goals that we are focussing on for the next two years:

La experiencia del usuario y el flujo

The entire user experience from onboarding, into daily teaching/learning and expert customisation of Moodle is the core value of what makes Moodle useful or not in the real world, in fully online and blended modes.

While we’re working on hundreds of smaller, annoying issues, we are also doing some major re-thinking around what an LMS should be in the next decade and beyond as a tool to empower educators and learners.

Empoderar a todos nuestros desarrolladores

Our significant community of developers are an amazing group of over 1000 people - many of them make a living being part of the Moodle community.

We are of course working on ways to make Moodle programming easier and better, with better training and support as well as improved APIs, plugins, integrations and support for modern technologies.

However, a particularly exciting initiative is the new Moodle Plugins Service, due in 2021, which will provide an “app store” experience on which all developers can build financial sustainability for their work, while teachers will have easier access to use hundreds of new plugins in their courses via the web interface, without needing to convince their admins to install code. This will help the entire plugins ecosystem.

Mejor integración entre los productos Moodle

The current Moodle products already integrate with each other, of course, but there is much more to be done to make them work together more seamlessly, as part of one platform, so that our users have a better experience and also so that they become more aware of solutions to their problems.

Mejor integración con el mundo

Moodle is never used alone, and it is a part of many ecosystems at many levels. We must connect to all kinds of other systems, we must of course comply with new legislation such as the GDPR, Accessibility and much more.

In particular though, we are committed to helping to promote Open EdTech and to work closely with qualified Open EdTech products and major stakeholders to design and build an open architecture for a long-term future.

Línea de tiempo del plan de desarrollo

2020 Moodle LMS Moodle Workplace Moodle Apps MoodleCloud MoodleNet Moodle Certificates
Q1 Planes para lanzamiento de nueva Moodle Lanzamiento de alojamiento (hosting) de Workplace

Ensayos gratuitos


Versión 3.9

LLTS (Long Long Term Support = Soporte a Largo Largo Plazo)


Crear contenido H5P



Selector de actividad

Filtros de participantes (MUA)


Navegador de Examen Seguro

Versión 3.9



Importadores y Exportadores de Datos

Versión 3.9


Autoguardado de borradores del editor


Compatibilidad Moodle LMS 3.9

Compatibilidad Moodle Workplace 3.9

Conexiones mejoradas con otros productos Moodle

Auto-servicio para renombrados y restauraciones

Versión 1.0


Integrar a Moodle 3.9 y posteriores



Instancias caseras trabajadas por HQ

Cumplimiento GDPR


MEC 2020 launch

6 courses covering all 22 competencies

Traducido a varios idiomas

Q3 Versiones Menores Tenant-shared learning Notificaciones de nuevas calificaciones

Improved connections with other products


Nuevos planes


Simplified signup and upgrades

Q4 Versiones menores Mejoras al Constructor de Reportes Functionality gaps for students

Mejoras a UX

Mejoras basadas en necesidades del cliente MEC Direct Release

MEC licensing for large institutions

2021 Moodle LMS Moodle Workplace Moodle Apps MoodleCloud MoodleNet Moodle Certificates
Q1 Versiones menores Tableros
Q2 Versiones menores

Moodle Plugins Service Soft Launch

Otras certificaciones
Q3 Versiones menores
Q4 Versión 4.0


Workplace features:
- Certificados
- Contructor de Reportes


UX navegación

UX mayores dolores

UX consistencia via librería de componentes

Flujo de Información y gestión de trabajos

Versión 4.0 Versión 4.0


Compatibilidad Moodle LMS 4.0

Compatibilidad Moodle Workplace 4.0

Classroom tools with friendly UX

Versión 4.0

2022 Moodle LMS Moodle Workplace Moodle Apps MoodleCloud MoodleNet Moodle Certificates
Q2 Versión 4.1 Versión 4.1 Versión 4.1 Versión 4.1
Q4 Versión 4.2 Versión 4.2 Versión 4.2 Versión 4.2

Notas acerca de algunas de estas fechas de principales versiones:

Moodle 4.0 en Noviembre 2021

Normally Moodle LMS major releases are every 6 months, in May and November.

However, for our very large new releases such as 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 and now 4.0, we often take longer so that we can tackle more significant chunks of important core work, giving us the opportunity sometimes to make more serious changes to UX or architecture.

There are a lot of ideas around for 4.0 - we will be relying on our new UX team to organise and prioritise a lot of it during the next 6 months.

Moodle 3.9 liberado en Junio 2020

In support of a longer release timeframe for Moodle 4.0, we have decided to release Moodle 3.9 in June.

The extra month will give us time to bring in a number of extra items in support of Moodle’s other products, which are in addition to the planned features for the 3.9 release.

It will also allow us to include as many community contributions as possible as we work towards the release date.

  • Code freeze (no new features accepted): 4th May 2020
  • QA cycle (start of QA testing): 11th May 2020
  • Scheduled release date (once QA passed): 8th June 2020

Versiones pasadas

Vea nuestra página de dev/Historia de las versiones para información acerca de versiones pasadas.

After Moodle 2.0 we switched to time-based releases rather than feature-based releases (see our development process). Because of this, the details above on future releases are an indication of current priorities only, and are targeted to be released in the upcoming releases. Anything not ready by the next release date will generally be pushed to the following major release.

Vea también