Notas de Moodle 3.6.5
De MoodleDocs
Nota: Esta es una traducción de una página de la documentación para desarrolladores (Developer docs), que se considera particularmente importante, y que en su versión original se actualiza frecuentemente. Por ello, se le recomienda que revise la página original en idioma inglés: Moodle 3.6.5 release notes.
Moodle 3.6
Historia de las versiones > Notas de Moodle 3.6.5
Fecha de liberación: 8 julio 2019
Aquí está la lista completa de problemas resueltos en 3.6.5.
Composturas y mejoras
- MDL-59650 - Calendar export no longer limited to 40 events
- MDL-64935 - Jump to dropdown menu no longer overlaps before / next activity links
- MDL-58315 - Boost theme no longer ignores HTML block custom classes
- MDL-53778 - Quiz with activity completion 'Or all available attempts completed' no longer possible with unlimited attempts
- MDL-65101 - Users with capability moodle/site:messageanyuser can message any user regardless of their privacy settings
- MDL-65581 - Hidden blocks can once again be unhidden
- MDL-65249 - Redis cache store correctly displays exception after failed connections
- MDL-65084 - Recently accessed items block checks for whether a course is deleted before showing items from it
- MDL-57729 - Ampersand in site title no longer breaks LTI provider cartridge XML
- MDL-55821 - Assignment individual grading when using rubric and workflow grade is displayed
- MDL-65696 - PDF annotation comments no longer expand unexpectedly
- MDL-64784 - Enrolled users list sort order no longer changes after adding or removing a user
- MDL-55197 - Multi-lang filter no longer ignores 'en' parent language
- MDL-65829 - Enrolments whose start date is after the analytics analysis start time are no longer discarded
- MDL-65641 - Texts in Moodle format remain in the same format when edited
- MDL-65839 - Improved memory usage of analytics evaluation and initial training processes
- MDL-60347 - SMTP debugging no longer displayed for lower debugging output levels
- MDL-65326 - Restore process no longer displays an error if the capability doesn't exist
- MDL-65665 - Quick reply now respects subscribe on reply user preference
- MDL-65814 - Item counts for action events are now shown in the timeline block
- MDL-65901 - Forum advanced search form styling improvements
- MDL-65634 - Students at risk models correctly discard user enrolments whose start and end dates do not fit into the analysed time interval
- MDL-65297 - Atto 'Manage files' now detects filenames containing a hash symbol (#)
- MDL-65606 - Database activity unapproved entries are once again highlighted
Composturas de seguridad
- MSA-19-0013 Missing sesskey (CSRF) token in loading/unloading XML files
- MSA-19-0014 Ability to delete glossary entries that belong to another glossary
- MSA-19-0015 Quiz group overrides did not observe groups membership or accessallgroups
- MSA-19-0016 Assignment group overrides did not observe separate groups mode
- MSA-19-0017 Upgrade TCPDF library for PHP 7.3 and bug fixes (upstream)