Notas de Moodle 3.5.4
De MoodleDocs
Nota: Esta es una traducción de una página de la documentación para desarrolladores (Developer docs), que se considera particularmente importante, y que en su versión original se actualiza frecuentemente. Por ello, se le recomienda que revise la página original en idioma inglés: Moodle 3.5.4 release notes.
Moodle 3.5
Historia de las versiones > Notas de Moodle 3.5.4
Fecha de liberación: 14 Enero 2019
Aquí está la lista completa de composturas en 3.5.4.
Composturas y mejoras
- MDL-63994 - CAS authentication fixed
- MDL-63260 - Exponential question growth prevented when duplicating quizzes
- MDL-49651 - Hidden courses no longer send forum notifications to participants
- MDL-62287 - User tours without a backdrop no longer exit when clicking outside the tour
- MDL-64290 - IMS Common Cartridge can restore from custom temp directory
- MDL-59954 - Drag and drop file uploads now respect the ignore file size limits capability
- MDL-64030 - Deletion requests can be processed without a site purpose being set
- MDL-64400 - Performance improvement when fetching notifications
- MDL-63512 - Lesson question responses show multimedia consistently
- MDL-63999 - Ampersands display correctly in calendar event titles
- MDL-63940 - ReCAPTCHA v2 now works globally
- MDL-60518 - The result of core_user::is_real_user is now consistent
- MDL-62988 - User information can be retrieved from membership service with LTI 2.0 providers
- MDL-63953 - SCORM first attempt grading records score
- MDL-64216 - Database query efficiency improvement to core_grade privacy provider
- MDL-64025 - Admin bookmarks block can bookmark admin categories
- MDL-63459 - Calculated multichoice question able to answer with negative note in interactive mode
- MDL-64357 - LTI assignment and grade LineItems are retained after the cleanup scheduled task is run
- MDL-63394 - Quiz submission grace period honoured
- MDL-64497 - GDPR moodle_content_writer can no longer cause an endless loop
- MDL-64063 - Timeline no longer lists course deadlines and closing dates for suspended students
- MDL-64077 - Alignment improved in main menu block
- MDL-64223 - Jabber output fixed for PHP 7.1
- MDL-64012 - Auto-linking now works with titles containing brackets
- MDL-61633 - Assignment grading interface 'Next page' navigation now resets scrolling to the top of the next page
Asuntos de seguridad
- MSA-19-0001 Manage groups capability was missing the XSS risk flag
- MSA-19-0003 User full name is now escaped in the un-linked userpix page