Notas de Moodle 3.11.1
Nota: Esta es una traducción de una página de la documentación para desarrolladores (Developer docs), que se considera particularmente importante, y que en su versión original se actualiza frecuentemente. Por ello, se le recomienda que revise la página original en idioma inglés: Moodle 3.11.1 release notes.
Moodle 3.11
Historia de las versiones > Notas de Moodle 3.11.1
Fecha de liberación: 12 julio 2021
Aquí está la lista completa de composturas en 3.11.1.
Vea nuestra página de las Nuevas características de Moodle 3.11 en la documentación del usuario para una introducción más amistosa, con imágenes, sobre Moodle 3.11.
Mejoras y composturas generales
- MDL-68925 - Quicklist items broken and cannot be used in PDF Annotator
- MDL-65203 - Tab characters in event names produce malformed JSON in mustache template
- MDL-65637 - Linkedin Authentication Stopped working
- MDL-67975 - Nextcloud integration should allow the use of aliases to files in repository
- MDL-55243 - SVG files are images and should be allowed for course images, drag-drop questions, etc.
- MDL-71926 - Add an activity or resource link always visible in 3.11+
- MDL-71126 - Quiz manual grading: page size preference can get stuck at 0
- MDL-68915 - Forum and Lesson do not allow a change to max grade after a grade has been given
- MDL-71659 - Grade item inconsistencies can break courses with courses with activities that require grade
- MDL-64236 - The content in the Grader report table is partly covered by the scrollbar in RTL mode
- MDL-67771 - Classic theme - unable to place blocks in Right region of activity modules
- MDL-71694 - Grade validation failure causes loss of feedback comments
- MDL-71047 - The cursor position is not correct when paste HTML in Atto editor
- MDL-71113 - Integrate jsdoc into Grunt and allow for JS Documentation to be generated
- MDL-70750 - In Survey activity the Response report -> Question doesn't work at all
- MDL-71559 - User fields: new PROFILE_VISIBLE_TEACHERS constant not supported
- MDL-71644 - File upload still gets stuck if try to leave page mid-upload
- MDL-71366 - Checkboxes/Radio Buttons within multiple choice questions become invisible or shrink
- MDL-71647 - Locally assigned roles no longer searches email address
- MDL-71628 - Quiz review: names not shown on Manual grading screens
- MDL-72010 - Quiz should use Moodle's mechanism for keeping the session alive
- MDL-71947 - The indentation of the text must be corrected in the notice of time limit when starting a quiz
- MDL-71789 - Add mform validation for invalid url when importing a calendar
- MDL-71971 - In the "Edit quiz" page, don't stick together the "Repaginate" and the "Select multiple items" button
- MDL-71838 - Quiz overview report runs out of memory with huge courses
- MDL-71145 - Drag and Drop Marker Question Type: Saves incorrect marker positions or lost markers
- MDL-71837 - Export Calendar buttons become inactive after pressing 'Export' (as file)
- MDL-71836 - Enrol users: Cannot search by username
- MDL-71832 - Browse list of users page error when sorting by custom user field
- MDL-69703 - Selected potential group member are not highlighted properly
- MDL-71438 - Block deletion timeouts can occur on large sites
Mejoras de accesibilidad
- MDL-71373 - Localize hard coded aria-label strings in table pagination and role manager
- MDL-71669 - Menus opened by Atto buttons are announced as dialog box by screen-readers
- MDL-71813 - File picker – folder view file details not available using keyboard (Enter)
- MDL-71668 - Atto buttons do not have proper focus indicator
Composturas de seguridad
Details of any security issues will be released after a period of approximately one week to allow system administrators to safely update to the latest version.