Från MoodleDocs
Participants are the teachers and students who are part of a course. The list of participants can be seen by following the Participant link in the People block.
Mall:Moodle 1.9In Moodle 1.9 onwards, any users with hidden role assignments are indicated with a closed eye icon.
The participants list may be restricted to display:
- Members of a particular group
- Users inactive for more than a particular period of time
- Users with a particular role, such as teacher
Teachers (or other users with appropriate permissions) may select particular users then perform any of the following actions:
- Send message
- Add a new note
- Add a common note (for adding the same note to more than one user)
- Extend enrolment (individual)
- Extend enrolment (common) (for extending enrolment by the same amount for more than one user)
See also
- The Enrolment duration in the course settings, which unenrols students after the specified time has elapsed