Database activity settings

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This page explores in more detail the settings for the Database activity once you have added it to your course and also covers the Site administration settings.


In the Description, provide instructions for students. Check the box if you want these instructions to display on the course page.


Approval required?
If set to "yes", the entry will only be visible to everyone once a teacher has checked and approved it
Entries waiting for approval can be shown as highlighted to the teacher and also to the user who added the entry (new in Moodle 3.0).
If approval required is set to "yes", the teacher can choose whether approved entries can still be edited or not.
Allow comments on entries===
If set to "yes", users will be able to comment on database entries.
Entries required before viewing===
Select here how many entries you wish the student to add before they are allowed to see entries by other people. Note: If entries are required before viewing, the database auto-linking filter should be disabled. This is because the database auto-linking filter can't determine whether a user has submitted the required number of entries.
Maximum number of entries===
Select here the maximum number of entries you wish students to make.


As well as specifying when the database will be available for students to contribute to, the setting Read only from/to allows you to select dates you want students to be able to see entries but not add their own.


If you enable Ratings then a Scale dropdown will appear, Grade category and Grade to pass. The Grade to pass may be connected with Activity completion and Restrict access to prevent students accessing the next activity until they have reached the required grade in the database activity.


This is disabled by default and only visible if RSS is enabled site wide.

Other settings

Depending on what is enabled for your site and course, you may also need to explore Common module settings, Restrict access, Activity completion, Tags and Competencies

Save and display

Once you have specified the settings for your database, see Building Database for help configuring the fields.

Site administration settings

Database activity defaults and additional settings may changed by an administrator in Administration > Site administration > Plugins > Activity modules > Database.

Database activity capabilities