Ajouter des questions

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Révision datée du 23 janvier 2014 à 15:38 par Joseph Rézeau (discussion | contributions) (Page créée avec « {{Questionnaire}} ==Gérer les questions de l'activité Questionnaire== * Sur la page '''Gérer les questions''' de l'activité Questionnaire vous pouvez choisir le type... »)
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Gérer les questions de l'activité Questionnaire

  • Sur la page Gérer les questions de l'activité Questionnaire vous pouvez choisir le type de question à créer dans une liste déroulante. Sur cette même page s'affichent les questions déjà créées (s'il y en a).
  • En utilisant les icônes standard de Moodle vous pouvez modifier l'ordre des questions dans le questionnaire, modifier ou encore supprimer les questions.

Options communes à toutes les questions

Nom de la question

Questionnaires n'utilisant pas la fonctionnalité "Branchement Conditionnel"

Vous pouvez entrer un nom dans le champ Nom de la question pour chaque question.

Si vous ne faites jamais d'export de ce type, vous n'avez pas besoin d'entrer un nom de question. En revanche, si vous utilisez ce type d'export, vous disposez de 2 options.

Option 1 : noms significatifs

Dans le champ Nom de la question, entrez un nom significatif, court et différent pour chacune des questions de votre questionnaire. Dans le fichier exporté en CSV, chaque nom sera automatiquement préfixé par un numéro correspondant à la position de la question dans le questionnaire (en excluant les pseudo-questions de type Description, bien entendu. Exemples :

numéro de la question dans le questionnaire nom de la question donné par le professeur nom du champ dans la table CSV/Excel
couleurs préférées Q05_couleurs préférées
pourquoi_utiliser_Moodle Q06_pourquoi_utiliser_Moodle


(question de type Likert avec 3 réponses possibles : Moodle, WebCT et Blackboard


Option 2 : laisser les noms de questions à vide

Pour chaque question sans nom, l'export CSV générera automatiquement un nom abrégé, comme indiqué ci-dessus. Notez que pour les questions de type Likert, un sous-numéro sera rajouté. Ce type de schéma de nommage abrégé est préférable si vous exportez les données de vos questionnaires pour les traiter dans des logiciels de statistiques. Bien entendu, il vous appartient d'avoir votre propre système pour vous souvenir de la question qui va avec chaque nom abrégé.

numéro de la question dans le questionnaire nom de la question donné par le professeur nom du champ dans la table CSV/Excel


Il est possible (mais pas conseillé) de mélanger les deux systèmes, et d'avoir au sein d'un même questionnaire des questions nommées et d'autres sans nom.

Questionnaires utilisant le Branchement Conditionnel

Si vous avez besoin d'utiliser une question comme "parent" d'une ou plusieurs questions "enfants" dans votre questionnaire, alors vous devez donner un nom à cette question "parent". Seules les questions (de type Oui/Non, liste déroulante ou boutons radios) avec un "nom" apparaitront dans la liste déroulante des "questions parents" lorsque vous ajouterez une nouvelle question, comme on le voit sur ces captures d'écran.

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Pour plus d'information, voir Branchement conditionnel.

Réponse obligatoire

Si vous sélectionnez Oui, la question sera obligatoire, c'est-à-dire que le répondant ne pourra pas soumettre le questionnaire sans y avoir répondu. Lorsque l'étudiant voudra soumettre le questionnaire (ou, si celui-ci comporte plusieurs pages, passer à la page suivante), un message d'avertissement sera affiché en haut de la page avec une liste des questions obligatoires qui n'ont pas de réponse.

Valeur par défaut : Non.

Note : Lorsque vous créez une série de questions et que la première a le paramètre Réponse Obligatoire à Oui, ce paramètre restera automatiquement sur Oui pour les questions suivantes. Bien entendu vous pouvez le modifier manuellement à tout moment.

In the Manage Questions section of the Questions editing page, once a question has been created, you can use the green and red dots to switch its Required state, as a shortcut alternative of editing the question. Dans la section Gérer les questions de la page des Questions, une fois qu'une question a été créée, vous pouvez cliquer sur les points rouges ou verts de cette question pour basculer son état de "Obligatoire" à "Facultative", ce qui est plus rapide que de passer par l'écran de Modification de la question.

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Question Parent

Voir Branchement Conditionnel

Texte (de la question)

L'éditeur HTML de Moodle est disponible, ce qui vous permet non seulement de formater à votre guise le texte des questions, mais également d'y ajouter des éléments multimédia (image fixe ou animée, son, etc.).

Types de questions

Choisissez le type de question dans la liste déroulante puis cliquez sur le bouton Ajouter une question de ce type.

---Saut de Page---

Pour insérer un saut de page dans les questionnaires comportant un nombre important de questions. Si une page comporte une ou plusieurs questions avec réponse obligatoire, l'étudiant ne pourra pas passer à la page suivante tant qu'il n'aura pas répondu à ces questions.

Si votre questionnaire utilise le Branchement Conditionnel, des sauts de page seront insérés automatiquement lorsque vous ajouterez des questions "parent" ou "enfant". Les sauts de page ainsi insérés automatiquement sont nécessaires pour assurer le bon déroulement d'un questionnaire avec branchements conditionnels, et ne peuvent donc pas être supprimés ni déplacés. Leurs icônes de déplacement et de suppression sont désactivées.

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Check Boxes

Check boxes allow the user to select multiple answers from a list of options.

Question editing interface

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Editing Mode Questionnaire View
Question text: What are your favorite hobbies?

Possible answers:

Watching TV
!other=Another hobby:

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You may enter “!other” on a line to create an optional fill in the blank option. An!other box defaults to using the prompt Other: , (or the equivalent translation for Other in the current language being used). You may change this default prompt by using the format: “!other=prompt text” as shown in the example above.


  1. At the moment the length of the fill in the blank input text box is set to 25 characters and is not customizable through the online interface.
  2. You may provide more than one !other fill in the blank option for a Check Boxes question, but this might cause problems so it is not recommended.
  3. When a respondent answers a Check Boxes question which has been created as Required, and the Min. forced responses and Max. forced responses parameters have been used, then a warning message will be displayed if respondent does not check the required number of boxes.
  4. Note that, if the !other fill in the blank option has been created, then if it is checked by the respondent, it will count in the total of minimum/maximum required check boxes.
  5. If a respondent checks a fill in the blank option check box and leaves the text field empty, that box will be unchecked (upon navigating to the next page or upon submitting the questionnaire).
  6. If a respondent has cheked a fill in the blank option check box and has filled in the text field, and later on changes his mind and unckecks that box, the fill in the blank text field will be automatically emptied (cool, ain't it?).


Use the day/month/year format, e.g. for March 14th, 1945: 14/3/1945

Use this question type if you expect the response to be a correctly formatted date. The format will depend upon the language currently being used by the questionnaire respondent. For example 4/21/2007 (US); 21/4/2007 (UK); 21-4-2007 (France); etc. An example will be displayed in the questionnaire. If an "impossible" or wrongly formatted date is entered, it will either be re-written or reformatted correctly (if possible) or an error message will be displayed to the respondent. In order for dates to be correctly exported to spreadsheets such as Excel, respondent must enter a date in the 1902 to 2037 range. If a date outside this range is expected from respondents, then use the Text Box question type instead. The date question type will accept dates consisting only of a month plus a year (e.g. 12/2008 for december 2008) or only a year (e.g. 2008). However, for spreadsheet processing compatibility, such incomplete dates will be automatically transformed to complete dd/mm/yy dates, e.g. 12/2008 -> 01/12/2008 and 2008 -> 01/01/2008. You may have to explain this pecularity to your questionnaire users beforehand.

Dropdown Box

There is no real advantage to using the Dropdown Box over using the Radio Buttons except perhaps for longish lists of options, to save screen space.

Essay Box

Question editing interface

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This question will display a plain text box with x Textarea columns (or area width) and y Textarea rows (number of text lines).

If you leave both x and y to their default 0 value (or if you set it to 0), then moodle's HTML editor will be displayed with standard height and width (if available in the course/user context & user profile).


This is not a question but a (short) text which will be displayed to introduce a series of questions.


Use this question type if you expect the response to be a correctly formatted number. By using the Max. digits allowed and Nb of decimal digits parameters you can specify the length and number of decimal places required.

Radio Buttons

Question editing interface

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Radio buttons Alignment

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Possible answers

You must fill in one answer per line in the Possible answers box.


Editing Mode Questionnaire View (optional horizontal display)

1.Possible answers :


What is your favorite color?

What is your favorite color?
Red Blue Black

2.Possible answers :


What is your favorite color?

What is your favorite color?
Red Blue Black

3.Possible answers:

!other=Another color:

What is your favorite color?
Another color:

What is your favorite color?
Red Blue Black
Another color:

Questionnaire View Text data export

4.Possible answers:

red::the color of blood
blue::the color of the sky
black::opposite of white

What is your favorite color?
the color of blood
the color of the sky
opposite of white

The "values" red, blue and black will be exported to the columns instead of standard 1, 2 and 3 numbers.
See Download in text format.

5.Possible answers:

1=Once a year
3=Once a month
5=Once a week
7=Once a day

How often do you practise a sport? Never
Once a year
Once a month
Once a week
Once a day

Modèle:New features

You may enter “!other” on a line to create an optional fill in the blank option. An !other box defaults to using the prompt Other:, (or the equivalent translation for Other in the current language being used). You may change this default prompt by using the format: “!other=prompt text” as shown in Example #3 above.


  1. At the moment the length of the fill in the blank input text box is set to 25 characters and is not customizable through the online interface.
  2. It does not make sense to provide more than one !other fill in the blank option for a Radio Buttons question.
  3. If a respondent checks a fill in the blank option radio button and leaves the text field empty, a warning message will be displayed (upon navigating to the next page or upon submitting the questionnaire).
  4. If a respondent has checked a fill in the blank option radio button and has filled in the text field, and later on changes his mind and clicks a different radio button in the same question, the fill in the blank text field previously entered will be automatically emptied.
  5. Example #4 shows a possible "hidden" option, for exporting - in responses - named values as data instead of standard numbers. If you never export your data for studying it in stats packages you won't need this option.
  6. If you plan to use the '"Personality Test"' feature in your questionnaire, the number preceding each choice will be used to calculate the "score" of the section that includes this question. See https://docs.moodle.org/26/en/mod/questionnaire/personality_test#Questions

Rate (scale 1..5)


Modèle:New features The Rate question now features extra "not yet answered" radio buttons. This is especially useful in Rate questions with a long list of choices. Fichier:03-12-2013 15-23-57.jpg

In case the respondent forgets to check some radio buttons, upon moving to next page or submitting, the error message will be completed with highlighting of the "not yet answered" radio buttons.

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Question editing interface:

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Number of scale items

Nb of scale items is the number of items to be used in your rate scale. You would normally use a value of 3 to 5. Default value: 5.

Type of rate scale

  • Normal (default value)
  • N/A columns  : Choose this if you want an N/A column to be added to the right of your Rate scale items columns.
  • No duplicate choices: Choose this if you want to prevent duplicate choices in each degree column.
    • This is useful if you want the respondent to rank a number of items on a 1 to n scale and to force each rank to be unique. Example: order items A, B and C in order of preference will accept: A1, B3 and C2 or A3, B2 and C1, but it will not be possible for the respondent to enter: A1, B1, C2 or A1, B2, C2, etc.
    • Used in conjunction with named degrees, this No duplicate choices option can also be useful if you want the respondent to match items with named degrees, e.g. the colors red, blue, yellow with a set of physiological responses: excitement, tranquillity, concentration where one color can only match one physiological response.
  • Osgood: Choose this to create a question of the Osgood's semantic differential type. This parameter must be used in conjunction with named degrees.

Possible answers


Editing Mode Questionnaire View

Ex. 1 Rate (single line)
Possible answers -> Enter a blank space or a short "label". Settings:
Nb of scale items = 5 (5 columns numbered 1...5);Type of rate scale = Normal (N/A column not needed here).

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Ex. 2 Rate (several lines)
Possible answers.


Nb of scale items
= 4 (4 columns numbered 1...4)
Type of rate scale = N/A column

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Ex. 2a Rate ("ordering")

This option makes it impossible to click more than one radio button per column; it is thus equivalent to an "ordering" question type.

Nb of scale items = 3 (3 columns numbered 1...3)
Type of rate scale = No duplicate choices

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Ex. 3 Rate with named degrees
Possible answers.

4=Very easy to use
3=Easy to use
2=Somewhat difficult to use
1=Difficult to use
Formatting Your Course
Laying out Your Course
Number of Clicks to Access Needed Content
Adding Content
Ability to Add/Change Themes/Appearance
Overall Navigation of Moodle

Nb of scale items = 4 (4 named columns)
Type of rate scale = Normal (N/A column not needed here)

Ex. 3b Rate with named degrees
Possible answers.

4=Very easy to use
3=Easy to use
2=Somewhat difficult to use
1=Difficult to use
formatting::Formatting Your Course
layout::Laying out Your Course
clicks::Number of Clicks to Access Needed Content
addcontent::Adding Content
appearance::Ability to Add/Change Themes/Appearance
navigation::Overall Navigation of Moodle

If the choice options text is fairly long, you may use shorter "labels" immediately followed by two colons (::). The labels "formatting", "layout", "clicks" etc. will be saved to the columns headings in the Download as text format operation, instead of the longer labels which will be displayed to the questionnaire respondent.

Please note that in former versions of Questionnaire the separator between "short label" and "options text" used to be the equal sign (=). In Questionnaire 2.5 and later, please use two colons (::) as a separator.

Ex. 4 Osgood's Semantic differential '
Possible answers.


Nb of scale items = 5 (5 named columns)
Type of rate scale = Osgood

Note.- To separate the pairs of words you must use a pipe character |

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Notes.- named degrees

For this question type you have two display options. The default option displays the Likert scale degrees as numbers (1...5). If you prefer to have named degrees instead of numbers, you'll have to enter those names in the Possible answers list (see Example 3 above). On each line of "possible answers" enter the degree number, immediately followed by the equal sign = immediately followed by the name you want to give to that degree.

Modèle:New features

If you plan to use the "Personality Test" feature in your questionnaire, the number preceding each named degree will be used to calculate the "score" of the section that includes this question. See https://docs.moodle.org/26/en/mod/questionnaire/personality_test#Questions_2.

If the number of named degrees in the possible answers list is different from the number determined by the value you entered in the Nb of scale items field, this will be automatically adjusted when you save the question. If you decide to use named degrees for your Likert scale, it is recommended (but not obligatory) to start your list of possible answers with the named degrees, and then to enter the various items to be scaled.

Example #3b shows a possible "hidden" option, for exporting - in responses - shorter label instead of the longer text values. If you never export your data for studying it in stats packages you won't need this option. Please note that the example is provided here for the Rate with named degrees question sub-type but it works for all Rate question sub-types except Osgood which requires short left and right options anyway.

Text Box

For the Text Box question type, enter the Input Box length and the Maximum text length of text to be entered by respondent.

Default values are 20 characters for the Input Box width and 25 characters for the maximum length of text entered.


Manage questions

In the Manage questions section of the Edit Questions page, you can conduct a number of operations on a Questionnaire's questions. Normally you should never add questions or delete questions in a questionnaire that is live in a moodle course, and which some students may have already responded to.

You can Move a question to a different position in the Questionnaire. If your questionnaire contains some "conditional branching" questions, you may not be able to move some of the parent or child questions to some positions which would ruin the branching.

You can Edit a question, but again, be extra careful when editing questions once students have started to complete a questionnaire.

If you try to Delete a child or parent question (in a Conditional branching questionnaire), you will be warned of the possible consequences of those deletions.

By clicking on the Green or Red dots, you can switch the "Response required" status of questions.

Please note that the numbers in front of each question in this interface are not the question numbers that will be displayed when answering the questionnaire. Here, these numbers indicate the question's position, and even non-real questions such as Labels and Page Breaks have a position number.