Question calculée simple
La question calculée simple est un moyen de créer des questions numériques individuelles dont la réponse est le résultat d'une formule contenant des variables numériques et utilisant des jokers (c'est-à-dire que {x} et {y} sont substitués par des valeurs aléatoires lors du test).
La question calculée simple offre la plupart des options de la question calculée, mais dans une interface beaucoup plus simple.
Création d'une première question calculée simple
Comme premier exemple, vous créerez une question demandant l'aire d'un rectangle. Voici rapidement les étapes que nous verrons plus en détail par la suite :
- Rédiger la question en incluant les variables entre {};
- Saisir la formule incluant les variables et définir la tolérance;
- Déterminer la plage de valeurs du jeu de données généré pour les valeurs qui apparaitront dans la question;
- Réviser le jeu de données généré;
- Vérifier le résultat en vue étudiante.
Premières étapes de création
Allez dans la banque de questions, cliquez sur Ajouter une question et choisissez le type Calculée simple, puis cliquez sur Suivant. L'interface d'édition s'affiche. Donnez un nom à votre question.
Texte de la question
Remplissez le texte de la question (veuillez noter que les noms des {variables} sont complètement au choix).
The Correct Answer Formula
Remplissez le champ Formule de la réponse correcte= en incluant les noms des {variables} que vous avez saisis dans le texte de la question.
Other answer and response parameters
You will set the Grade to 100%, as this is the only answer in this question.
Leave the other parameters as they appears ( 0.01 relative means ±1% tolerance).
Find the {param} in the formula
In simple calculated only the {param} that are in the formula will be used.
In the question text , the {param} that are in the formula
will appear with there numerical values i.e 6.7 .
Any other {enclosed text} will appear as is i.e. {enclosed text}.
Fichier:Simple calculated first question find wild card.jpg
Click on the button
On reload the two {b} and {h} will be displayed.
Set the minimum and maximum values
Here the {b} range has been set to a 15-20 range and
the {h} range has been set to a 5-10 range
as we want a rectangle with a larger base than height.
Fichier:Simple calculated first question set min max.jpg
Select the number of sets to generate (here 10) and to display(here 2)
Just to illustrate that you can control the number of values displayed which is useful if you create 100 sets.
Also note the (red) warning that a valid question needs at least one set of {wild card} values. You will not be allowed to save the question if you don't do the next step.
Click on the generate button
Fichier:Simple calculated values.jpg
Note the sets are shown in reverse order so the the number indicates how many sets were created.
The two sets illustrate that the variability defined by the Min and Max values.
Note that the formula result is analyzed and
the tolerance limit (here 1% relative) is shown
The correct response that will be shown to the student is also shown.
The 2 decimals where defined are the default values defined as the last parameter under the Correct formula.
Click on the Save button
Test your first Sinple calculated question
On the question bank click on the preview icon.
Enter the result you have calculated yourself or click on the Fill with Correct button.
The values should be identical... Fichier:Preview simple calculated rectangle example.jpg
Click on the submit button
Fichier:Previewsimple calculated rectangle example graded.jpg
Editing a Simple Calculated question: Additional comments
- Set the default question grade (i.e. the maximum number of marks for this question).
- Set the Penalty factor (see Penalty factor below).
Correct answer formula syntax for further details.
- Choose the grade that the student will get for this question if they give this answer. This should be a percentage of the total marks available. For example, you could give 100% for a correct answer, and 50% for an answer that is nearly right. One of the answers must have a 100% grade.
- Determine the tolerance for error that you will accept in the answer. The tolerance and tolerance type settings combine to give a range of acceptable scores. So, if tolerance = t, correct answer = x and the difference between the user's answer and the correct answer is dx, then the tolerance types are as follows:
- Nominal - mark correct if dx <= t
- Relative - mark correct if dx / x <= t
- The next 2 settings, "Correct answer shows" and "Format" determine the precision of the Correct answer shown. They are not used for grading.
- Add some feedback which the student will see if they enter this answer.
- You can specify as many answer formulae as you like - click "Add another answer blank" to add more.
- You can also specify units for the answers. For example, if you enter a unit of 'cm' here, and the accepted answer is 15, then the answers '15cm' and '15' are both accepted as correct. If you add more than one unit, you can also specify a multiplier. So, if your main answer was 5500 with unit W, you can also add the unit kW with a multiplier of 0.001. This means that the answers '5500', '5500W' or '5.5kW' would all be marked correct. Note that the accepted error is also multiplied, so an allowed error of 100W would become an error of 0.1kW.
Penalty factor
The 'penalty factor' only applies when the question is used in a quiz using adaptive mode - i.e. where the student is allowed multiple attempts at a question even within the same attempt at the quiz. If the penalty factor is more than 0, then the student will lose that proportion of the maximum grade upon each successive attempt. For example, if the default question grade is 10, and the penalty factor is 0.2, then each successive attempt after the first one will incur a penalty of 0.2 x 10 = 2 points.
Correct answer formula syntax
DO NOT PUT THE = sign in the formula.
- In the recent versions of the calculated question type, you could have more than one answer formula and applied a specific grading value to each of them as long as there is at least one 100% correct answer formula.
If more than one correct answer formula input field are displayed when editing, your site has the multiple answer feature.
- As a general rule, write these formulas like you would in a calculator e.g.
3 + 5 * sin(3/{x})
A notable exception is exponentiation, where x3 cannot be entered as{x}^3
, but instead should be entered aspow(x, 3)
. - Each function's placeholders and other arguments should be in parentheses (brackets). For example, if you want students to calculate the sine of one angle and cosine of two times of another angle, you would enter
sin({a}) + cos({b}*2)
. - It's usually better to have too many parentheses (brackets) than too few. The server won't care, and the more specific you are about what you mean, the more likely it will like your complex formulas.
- There is no implicit multiplication. To you, the human editor, "5(23)" or "5x" may seem perfectly obvious. To the server doing the math, it's crazy talk and won't be understood. Always use the "*" for multiplication.
- Any special mathematical function must have parentheses around its values. Take the sine function in the first bullet point for instance. Notice that the 3 / x is wrapped in parentheses (brackets)--this is so the server can understand it properly. Without those parentheses, the server won't know if you mean "(sin 3) / x" or "sin (3 / x)" and will reject the entire formula accordingly.
Available functions
Calculated questions can use more than simple arithmetic operators. The following functions are allowed in versions 1.5 and newer.
Fonction | Explication |
abs | Valeur absolue |
acos | Arc cosinus -- en radians !!! Convertissez vos mesures de degrés en radians avant d'en demander l'acos. |
acosh | Inverse du cosinus hyperbolique -- en radians !!! Convertissez vos mesures de degrés en radians avant d'en demander l'acosh. |
asin | Arc sinus -- en radians !!! Convertissez vos mesures de degrés en radians avant d'en demander l'asin. |
asinh | Inverse du sinus hyperbolique -- en radians !!! Convertissez vos mesures de degrés en radians avant d'en demander l'asinh. |
atan2 | Arc tangente de deux variables -- Passez deux valeurs comme (x, y), et vous obtiendrez l'atah(y/x), ajusté au bon quadrant. |
atan | Arc tangente -- en radians !!! Convertissez vos mesures de degrés en radians avant d'en demander l'atan. |
atanh | Inverse de la tangente hyperbolique |
bindec | Conversion de binaire en décimal |
ceil | Arrondit à l'entier supérieur |
cos | Cosinus -- en radians !!! Convertissez vos mesures de degrés en radians avant d'en demander le cos. |
cosh | Cosinus hyperbolique -- en radians !!! Convertissez vos mesures de degrés en radians avant d'en demander le cosh. |
decbin | Conversion de décimal en binaire |
decoct | Conversion de décimal en octal |
deg2rad | Conversion de degrés en radians |
exp | Calcule l'exposant de e |
expm1 | Returns exp(number) - 1, computed in a way that is accurate even when the value of number is close to zero |
floor | Arrondit à l'entier inférieur |
fmod | renvoie le modulo (nombre à virgule flottante) de deux nombres - C'est à dire le reste de la division du premier nombre par le second. |
is_finite | Finds whether a value is a legal finite number |
is_infinite | Détermine si une valeur est infinie |
is_nan | Détermine si une valeur n'est pas un nombre |
log10 | Base-10 logarithm |
log1p | Returns log(1 + number), computed in a way that is accurate even when the value of number is close to zero |
log | logarithme népérien (ln) |
max | Trouve la valeur la plus haute |
min | Trouve la valeur la plus basse |
octdec | Conversion d'octal en décimal |
pi() | Renvoie la valeur de Pi |
pow (numberToRaise, NumberRaisedTo) | Exponentielle |
rad2deg | Conversion d'une mesure en radian en son équivalent en degrés |
rand | Génère un entier aléatoirement |
round | arrondi d'un nombre à virgule |
sin | Sinus -- en radians !!! Convertissez vos mesures de degrés en radians avant d'en demander le sinus. |
sinh | Sinus hyperbolique-- en radians !!! Convertissez vos mesures de degrés en radians avant d'en demander le sinus hyperbolique. |
sqrt | Racine carrée |
tan | Tangente -- en radians !!! Convertissez vos mesures de degrés en radians avant d'en demander la tangente. |
tanh | Tangente hyperbolique-- en radians !!! Convertissez vos mesures de degrés en radians avant d'en demander la tangente hyperbolique. |
Constantes prédéfinies
Il n'y a pas de constante prédéfinie permise autre que pi() en tant que fonction sans paramètre. zh:計算題