Careful consideration should be given to the risks involved in allowing different capabilities.
Certain capabilities are intended for administrators and managers only, as they enable users to change the site configuration and behaviour.
XSS (Cross-Site Scripting)
Certain capabilities enable users to add non-checked files and HTML code containing JavaScript etc. This may be misused for cross-site scripting (XSS) purposes, with the potential to gain full admin access. These capabilities are intended for administrators and teachers only.
- Tip: The Security checks (Administration > Reports > Security overview) lists all XSS trusted users.
Certain capabilities enable users to gain access to private information of other users, for example non-public information in a user's profile. These capabilities are intended for administrators and teachers only.
Certain capabilities enable users to add content to site, for example forum posts, account creation, and send messages to other users. These capabilities may be misused for spamming purposes.
Risks for predefined roles
- Guest - only capabilities without any risks are allowed
- Student - certain capabilities with spam risks are allowed
- Teacher - certain capabilities with XSS and privacy risks are allowed
- Administrator - all capabilities are allowed