Moodle App Block support
From MoodleDocs
Blocks are supported on the App from 3.8 onwards. This is the list of blocks supported on the app.
Please note that blocks are only supported on Dashboard, Site home and the main course page (they are not supported within activities neither resources).
Only title blocks
Some blocks have a match with the app features. It will only display the title and they will link the app feature directly when clicked:
- Calendar month
- Calendar upcoming
- Comments
- Completion status
- Learning plans
- Private files
- Self completion
- My courses
Pre-rendered blocks
Some blocks displays likely the same content as in the website:
- Activity results
- Badges
- Blog menu
- Blog recent
- Blog tags
- Glossary random
- Text (HTML block before)
- News items
- Online Users
- Recent Activity
- RSS Client
- Tags
Full supported blocks
Some blocks have an specific treatment on the app, they've been natively adapted:
- Activity modules
- Site Main menu (Site home)
- Course overview (Dashboard)
- Timeline (Dashboard)
- Starred Courses (Dashboard)
- Recent accessed items (Dashboard)
- Recent Courses (Dashboard)