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Enrolment, or 'enrollment', is the process of marking users as participants in the course, in other words assigning them a role such as student or teacher.
Enrolment plugins
Moodle provides a number of ways of managing course enrolment, called enrolment plugins. Click the links below for further information.
- Manual enrolment - the administrator or course teacher adds users manually
- Self enrolment - a user can choose to enrol him/herself into a course
- Cohort sync - users are part of a Cohort which is added to the course
- Course meta link - users enrolled in other courses are given automatic access
- Guest access - users can view course materials but not participate
- Category enrolments - users are enrolled in all courses in a category
- External database - users are enrolled from a database such as Access, MySQL
- Enrolment on payment - users are enrolled after making a payment, such as via PayPal
- Flat file - users are enrolled with a csv file
- IMS Enterprise - users are enrolled with this standard XML file format
- LDAP enrolment - users are authenticated and then enrolled through LDAP
- MNet remote enrolments - users are enrolled via a linked Moodle site
- PayPal - users purchase enrolment with PayPal
In addition, the Publish as LTI tool enrolment plugin, together with the LTI authentication plugin, allows remote users on a different site to access selected courses and activities.