Course cover

From MoodleDocs
Revision as of 16:35, 20 September 2022 by Alex Büchner 2 (talk | contribs) (See also section)
workplacelogo.png This feature is part of Moodle Workplace™, which is available through Moodle Certified Partners and Service Providers only.

The Course cover appears as long as the course has not been accessed; its content can also be viewed via the Information tab on the course page.

The course cover is displayed if any of the following criteria are matched:

  • The user is enrolled in this course but has never accessed it
  • The user is not enrolled in the course: they can see the information on this page regardless of their enrollment status.
    • If the course is part of a program the user is allocated to, they will be informed about what to do to “unlock” this course.
    • If the user can self-enrol in the course, the enrollment options will be shown on this page in the Actions section.
    • If the user can’t self-enrol in the course, they will be informed about that in the “Buttons” section.
Courses cover.png

The course cover comprises the following areas:

  • The Header displays the course image and course title.
  • In the About section, the course description is displayed.
  • The Dates section displays the course's Start date and End date.
  • In the Trainers section, all users in the course with the Trainer role will be listed.
  • The Course files section shows any images uploaded via the Course image setting in the course settings. Other file types - if supported - are shown underneath.

See also