Moodle Workplace Release notes

From MoodleDocs
workplacelogo.png This feature is part of Moodle Workplace™, which is available through Moodle Certified Partners and Service Providers only.

This page contains release notes for Moodle Workplace 3.8 release.

Major features

  • Program reset - allows to reset a program and all courses it in for an individual user
  • Recertification - allows to configure the workflow for regular recertification
  • Audience in report builder allows to give granular access to individual reports
  • Appointments - new module that allows to book face-to-face appointments between trainers and students in a course
  • Certificates no longer belong to the tenants but instead can be created in course categories
  • Sharing courses between tenants and using them in the programs

Important notes

Report builder changes

Organisation managers can no longer access the reports on their team by default. Instead, tenant administrator needs to create new report, add a condition "Relation to report viewer" and set the "Audience" to include an organisation manager's job.


Upgrade script will automatically unallocate the existing certificates from the tenants and allocate them to the respective course categories of the tenants. However if there was a tenant without course category and with the certificates, the administrator needs to fix it manually - create a category for the tenant and move the certificate to this category.

Capability 'tool/certificate:verifyforalltenants' is removed and instead we have 'tool/certificate:verify' that will allow to verify the certificates for any tenant (by code).

Capability 'tool/certificate:issueforalltenants' is removed. Person who has capability 'tool/certificate:issue' and can view users in all tenants can issue certificates to users in all tenants.

Capability 'tool/certificate:manageforalltenants' is removed. Instead capability 'tool/certificate:manage' can be assigned in different contexts and will work on templates that are assigned in the relevant contexts.

Capability 'tool/certificate:issue' can now be assigned in different contexts. User who has it can issue certificates that are defined in the same context (or lower).

Capability 'tool/certificate:imageforalltenants' is renamed to 'tool/certificate:image' - allows to manage shared images.

Capability 'tool/certificate:viewallcertificates' can also be assigned in different contexts now. Similar to 'issue' capability user will only see users from the same tenant (unless he has other capabilities that allow him to view users in other tenants)

The element type "Program" is now called "Dynamic rule data"