Moodle Workplace rolling release notes

From MoodleDocs

workplacelogo.png Moodle Workplace™, available through Moodle Certified Partners and Service Providers only, helps you deliver effective corporate training and professional development, and share knowledge across your organisation.

4.3 rolling

See our Moodle Workplace 4.3 rolling new features page in the user documentation for an introduction to Moodle Workplace 4.3 with screenshots.

Major features

Moodle Workplace 4.3 is based on top of Moodle LMS 4.3 and has all the new features of the core version. In addition, it contains all exclusive features from Moodle Workplace:

Key highlights

Major enhancements to Organisation Structure

Moodle Workplace 4.3 introduces a refined method for outlining reporting structures by manually designating managers to individuals. This new feature complements existing methods of job management, offering a blend of flexibility and control.

This new feature comes along with a set of enhancements in Organizational Structure:

  • Manual Manager Assignment: Reporting lines can now be defined manually by assigning managers directly to individuals. This new approach can be combined with job assignments or used independently.
  • People management: We've introduced a user-centred approach to reporting line management with the new People tab in Organizational Structure. HR managers are now presented with a list of all people and their job assignments, making onboarding of new users easier. The pre-existing Job Assignments view is now available as a system report.
  • Jobs and reporting lines: This new view gathers all team members' job-related information and centralizes all reporting line management in a single place. In practice, it works as an employee page for HR managers, where they can see all relevant information at a glance and manage jobs assigned to the employee. Management structures, such as who reports to or is a report of any given user, are also displayed.
  • Enhanced profile widgets: We've added details of departmental context and multiple job roles in the user profile. Now, every member of the organisation can view a clearer picture of how each individual fits into the wider company structure.
  • Improved Web Services API: All new manual manager assignment functionality is available via Web Services to simplify integration with other tools.

Custom pages enhancements

  • Public Custom pages:  Custom pages can now be made available to guests or non-authenticated users. With this feature, administrators can effortlessly craft public landing pages directly within Moodle Workplace, eliminating the need for external tools or platforms.
  • To make it easier to share and manage custom pages, administrators can now copy the URL and see the audiences for a custom page directly on the listing page.

Dynamic rules enhancements

  • Automated Learning Plans: It is now possible to assign or unassign Learning Plans automatically through Dynamic rules. This ensures that a learner receives relevant, personalized training content, competency-based training, or learning plans that align with their current position and career trajectory.
  • Course grades automation: With the latest update to Dynamic Rules, admins can set automation based on specific course grades, saving administrators time and ensuring consistent recognition of achievements.

Multi-tenancy enhancements

  • User creation during course restore: We've added the option for Tenant admins to create users during course restore. This capability can be granted by site administrators.

Other improvements

  • Moved “Information” tab to the second position on the course page to ensure it is always displayed right after the course content and is never hidden under the “More” submenu in small screens.
  • Changed report data source “Issued certificates” removing an overly strict capability check. Now it is possible to create reports such as “My certificates” or “My team's certificates” that can be accessed by users who can not necessarily also view the templates list.
  • Improved Dynamic rules, allowing some actions to be executed as scheduled tasks only.
  • Updated Workplace activity icons to look more consistent with the LMS activity icons (white instead of black).
  • Added validation to the tenant branding “Custom SCSS” field to prevent accidental breaking of the whole site layout.
  • Added back column “Session date & time” to Appointments data sources that was present in legacy report builder in 3.11 but was not included in 4.0+ report builder.
  • New Web Service to allocate users to programs.
  • New CSV exporter for Organisation Structure.
  • Added course completion status to the Program Progress overview modal.
  • Added the option to set tenant administrator role through the user upload tool.
  • Added the option to delete job assignments via CSV upload.
  • Added an audit trail to Dynamic Rules to log events related to rule creation, editing, and deletion.
  • Allowed scheduling reports with a “View as” user for tenant administrators.

Upgrade notes for 4.3

  • “Appearance” icon in the launcher is now only displayed if the user has capability 'tool/tenant:managetheme' and is no longer displayed to users who only have 'tool/tenant:browseusers' capability. This means that the “Details” tab is also only visible to the users who can manage the tenant theme.
  • Capability 'moodle/reportbuilder:scheduleviewas' that enables users to select a “View as” user in the report schedules, is now allowed in the tenant administrator role. Note that on the upgraded sites it will not be automatically enabled for the tenant administrators for security reasons, but you can do it manually. On the newly installed sites, it will be allowed in the “Tenant administrator” role by default.
  • Capability 'moodle/restore:createuser' is now available in the “Tenant administrator” role. It will be allowed by default in the new sites, but not in upgraded sites.