Learning Tools

From MoodleDocs
Learning Tools
Type Local Plugin
Set N/A
Downloads https://moodle.org/plugins/local_learningtools
Issues https://github.com/bdecentgmbh/moodle-local_learningtools/issues
Maintainer(s) Stefan Scholz

About Learning Tools


The purpose of Learning Tools is to provide students tools to improve their learning experience. All tools are very easy to use and can be accessed from a unified interface, the floating button. This design is well known and a very common choice in apps.


The plugin is built with flexibility and modularity in mind. The foundation is the local plugin, which implements the management functionality and the unified interface in the form of the floating button. On top of the local plugin, we've created a new (sub) plugin type called "ltool". In the initial release, we're publishing ltool_boomarks and ltool_notes. In the future, we plan many more tools which improve the learning experience even more. Have a look at our roadmap to learn more!

Learning Tools sub plugins

List of ltools that are available for Learning Tools.
Name Description Tier Link
Bookmarks Create Bookmark Free Learning Tools/Bookmarks
Notes Take notes Free Learning Tools/Notes
Invite Enrol students easily via email address (in bulk) Pro Learning Tools/Invite
Force activity Automatically redirect students to a specific activity until the activity is completed Pro
Information Display course summary and image Pro
Email Send an email to your participants Pro
Resume Return to the last exact page with the click of a button Pro
Schedule Add calendar entries for activities to „learn them later“ Free
Focus Hide everything except for the content Free
Time Management Set relative start and due dates for activities, and a due date for the course; provide a concise overview about all activities in a course Pro
Custom styles Add custom styles (CSS) to your course locally

Installation & Configuration

Installation and configuration instructions can be found here: Learning Tools/Installation