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Question Engine 2:Implementation plan

From MoodleDocs

This page summarises how and when these changes will be implemented.

Previous section: Using the question engine from a module.

Time scales

I started working on this in October 2009.

It was tested at the OU in autumn 2010 and released onto the live OU VLE servers at the start of December 2010. Since then it has been running smoothly with only a few minor bugs found and fixed.

The code has now been converted to work on top of Moodle 2.0 with a view to including it in the Moodle 2.1 release. There are just a few tasks to be completed before that can happen (see MDL-20636). The code is currently being reviewed by a HQ developer prior to its inclusion. See Question_Engine_2:Review_2011-05

You can follow development at

See also

The next section, Testing, contains notes about what most needs to be tested.