Custom reports
Custom reports
Formerly a feature of Moodle Workplace TM, the Report builder feature allows administrators to create and share custom reports. This page is about the custom reports feature in Moodle LMS. For the Workplace version see Report builder
4.4 improvements include:
- Role as a report source.
- Filtering by file size and file type.
- Custom report tagging.
- A new capability reportbuilder:viewall
- Option to filter users by cohort.
- Cohort column and filter in User and User badges report sources.
- Filter/condition on cohort visibility field
Report sources
The complete list of report sources is as follows:
- Badges - Badge details, badges issued, badges received and courses
- Blogs - Blog content, title with link, tags, users and courses
- Cohorts - Cohorts and cohort members
- Comments - Comments and users
- Course categories
- Course participants - Course, course category, user enrolments, group, course completion, course access
- Courses - Courses, course category, tag, course image
- Files - File, user
- Groups - Groups, groupings, group membership visibility
- Notes - Notes, recipients, authors, and courses
- Roles - Role, role assignment, context and user details.
- Tags - Tag collections, tags, tag instances, and tag authors
- Task logs - Tasks and users
- User badges - Badges issued to users in courses, including badge details
- Users - Users and interests
Create a report
Note the tabs at the top: Edit, Audience, Schedules and Access:
- Click New report, give it a name and select your source (see above).
- Click Save. Depending on your source, you will be presented with columns relevant to the data you want. For example, clicking 'courses' will then show categories, course short and full names and ID number.
- Remove any columns you don't want and add columns which you do want.
- Change the options for Conditions, Filters, Sorting and Card view as required.
- Preview your report by clicking the Preview button top right.
Give access to reports
From Audience you can select a system role, cohort or manually selected users by clicking the + against who you want and then saving your choice.
You can check the actual users from the Access tab. If you have chosen the system role of Manager, then the Access tab will show you the names of any Managers you have on your site.
How to access reports
Users who have been given access to custom reports and who have the View custom reports capability can view them from the arrow top right next to their user profile image and clicking the link Reports.
Schedule reports
Once you have created a report and decided who has access, you can schedule it from the Schedules tab. The recipients will receive the report via email.
- Click New schedule;
- Give it a name and choose its format ( .csv by default);
- Decide when the report will first be sent out and how often to send it.
- The audience will already be selected if you have defined your audience.
- If desired, you can add a message to the recipients.
- In Advanced, decide what to do if there is nothing to report.
Custom report settings
From Site administration > Reports > Report builder, this page allows the admin to:
- limit the number of custom reports.
- disable live editing.
Both these actions will then have a beneficial effect on performance, if required.
Example reports
- Course completion report in discussion Create reports
- 'View all notes for the course' report in discussion Viewing all student notes on one page