Talk:Preg question type
Looking for missing things
Joseph Rezeau REGEXP question type has a special syntax for missing words feature, allowing to define an answer that would work when something is absent in the answer (and give appropriate feedback to the student).
Please note that, starting with the version for moodle 2.1, my REGEXP question type accepts negative assertions (such as used in PREG question type) as well as the proprietary --.*\bnecessary\b.* syntax.
@Oleg: you may wish to change your documentation to reflect this change in REGEXP.
--Joseph Rézeau 01:41, 21 November 2011 (WST)
Thanks, Joseph, I hope you'll like the changes I've done. Please sent Moodle Message to me directly if there would be similar related changes in the future, as I don't have much time and rarely monitor documentation wiki talks page. --Oleg Sychev 18:19, 13 December 2011 (WST)