Collabora Activity Module

From MoodleDocs

A teacher can add a Collabora activity in a course when editing is turned on by clicking an 'Add an activity or resource' link (or, if not present, the "Add an activity" drop down menu) and selecting Collabora.

This activity creates an office document (text, spreadsheet or presentation) that can be edited by more than one student simultaneously. Your system administrator should have hooked up a Collabora server to your Moodle installation for this to work (see section Server setup). A collabora server is a server that generates the possibility to cooperate on office documents using a web based version of LibreOffice.

Activity settings

To see all the settings expanded, click the link "Expand all" top right.

Give your Collabora name (which students see on the course page) and a description. The name will end up the name of the document that will be created with this activity. You can set a tick box to show the description of the course page.


This setting determines which kind of document will be created by the Collabora activity. This option can't be changed anymore after saving the activity. Options are:

  • File upload: upload a document as a start for your students to collaborate on. When this option chosen, an extra line will appear, showing the name and a download link to the original document.
  • Specified text:
  • Spreadsheet: create an empty spreadsheet
  • Word Processor document: create an empty text document
  • Presentation: create an empty presentation


  • Current tab: when a student enters the activity, the editor with the document are shown in the current browser tab.
  • New tab: when a student enters the activity, the editor will open in a new tab. The current tab keeps showing the course page.


Alters the width of the editor. 0 for automatic width.


Alters the height of the editor. 0 for automatic.

By experience: 1200 gives a full A4 page editor on zoom level 100%

Display name

Set to yes displays the name of the Collabora activity above the editor when students access the activity.

Display description

Set to yes displays the description of the Collabora activity above the editor when students access the activity.

Server setup

For an initial local demo, follow the suggestions in

Afterwards, you will want to use the Collabora-Moodle integration in production. If you are connecting Moodle to an existing Collabora server (e.g., from a Collabora-Nextcloud installation), you will need to modify the Collabora configuration to allow requests from Moodle AND Nextcloud. Here's an example configuration of the relevant section:

<alias_groups desc="default mode is 'first' it allows only the first host when groups are not defined. set mode to 'groups' and define group to allow multiple host and its aliases" mode="groups">
<!-- If you need to use multiple wopi hosts, please change the mode to "groups" and
add the hosts below.  If one host is accessible under multiple ip addresses
or names, add them as aliases. -->
      <host desc="hostname to allow or deny." allow="true"></host>
      <host desc="hostname to allow or deny." allow="true"></host>
   <!-- More "group"s possible here -->

You will notice that, in the example configuration, there are hostnames for both, Nextcloud AND Moodle. Adapt it to your hostnames and IP addresses as needed.