Add new users

From MoodleDocs

Add users to the site

For people to enter your courses, they first need an account on your site. The two most common ways are:

Enable sign up

  1. Log in with your administrator account
  2. Click Site administration
  3. Click the Plugins tab and scroll down to Authentication
  4. Click Manage authentication
  5. Click to open the 'eye' icon of Email-based self registration:


6. Scroll down and from the 'Self registration' dropdown section, select Email-based self-registration:


7. Scroll down and click the button Save changes

Create a user

  1. Log in with your administrator account
  2. Click Site administration
  3. Click the Users tab
  4. Click Add a new user
  5. Add your user details, using the icon helpicon.png for extra help
  6. If you want their new account details emailed to them, click 'Generate password and notify user'
  7. Click Create user

Add users to the course

Once users have accounts, you then need to give them access to the course. The two most common ways are:

Enable course sign up

  1. Log in as an administrator or teacher and go to the course you want to allow users to access
  2. From Course navigation click Participants
  3. From the dropdown select Enrolment methods
  4. Click to open the eye of Self enrolment (Student)

Add teachers and students

  1. Log in with your administrator account and go to the course where you want to add teachers and students.
  2. Click Participants
  3. Click Enrol users
  4. From the dropdowns, select the users you want and the role you want to give them:


5. Click Enrol users.