Upstart Skript für Ubuntu Systeme

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Zurück zur Installation von unoconv

Dieser Artikel beschreibt ein Skript, das Sie beim Booten von Ubuntu-Systemen verwenden können, um einen unoconv-Listener zu starten. Das Skript kann unter /etc/init/unoconv.conf gespeichert und wie folgt gestartet werden:

sudo start unoconv

Hier kommt das Skript:

# Unoconv listener service

# Install to /etc/init/ folder and start with "sudo service unoconv start"
# This will start a unoconv listener and restart it if it dies. The listener
# will run as the apache user "www-data" and have access to the same files/folders
# as that user.
# The home folder for this listener will point to /tmp/ and any temporary files used by
# libreoffice will be created there.

description     "Unoconv Apache Listener"
author          "Damyon Wiese <>"

start on filesystem or runlevel [2345]
stop on starting rc RUNLEVEL=[016]

respawn limit 2 5

env HOME=/tmp
setuid www-data

# The default of 5 seconds is too low for mysql which needs to flush buffers

pre-start script
    # Kill any currently running soffice processes.
    /usr/bin/killall soffice.bin || true

    # Service logging when starting
    echo "[`date`] Starting unoconv service" >> /var/log/unoconv.log
end script

     # pid file...
    echo $$ > /var/run/
    exec usr/bin/unoconv --listener
end script

pre-stop script
    # Remove pid file first
    rm /var/run/
    # Service logging when stopping
    echo "[`date`] Stopping unoconv service" >> /var/log/unoconv.log
end script

Zurück zur Installation von unoconv