2022年3月8日 (火) 15:01時点におけるMitsuhiro Yoshida (トーク | 投稿記録)による版

作成中です - Mitsuhiro Yoshida (トーク)


Sebastian BergmannによるPHPUnit はPHP用の高度な単体テストフレームワークです。このフレームワークはComposerの依存ファイルとしてインストールされ、Moodleのインストールには含まれません。PHPUnitテストを実行するにはあなたの開発用コンピュータまたはテストサーバに手動でPHPUnitをインストールする必要があります。



  • Install Composer
  • composerをインストールする



  • Composerインストーラを実行してください。
cd /your/moodle/dirroot
php composer.phar install

(接続エラーが発生した場合、以下のコマンドをお試しください ... )

php composer.phar install --prefer-source


  • あなたがWindowsでプロキシを利用している場合、HTTP_PROXY環境変数にHTTPプロキシのアドレスおよびポートを設定することでComposerが正しくファイルをダウンロードできるようになります。
  • あなたはcomposeのインストール時にgithubの認証情報の入力を求められる場合があります。
    • これはgithubによるレート制限を回避するための個人用アクセストークンの生成に使用されます。
    • あなたがgithubアカウントで2要素認証を有効にしている場合、または自分で認証情報を提供したくない場合、手動でトークンを生成する必要があります:
    • ( このバグに関する詳細は composer issue #2280 をご覧ください。)





  $ pear uninstall phpunit/DbUnit
  $ pear uninstall phpunit/PHPUnit



Moodleバージョン PHPUnitバージョン リンク
Moodle 3.11 PHPUnit 9.5 ドキュメンテーション
Moodle 3.10 PHPUnit 8.5 ドキュメンテーション
Moodle 3.7 - 3.9 PHPUnit 7.5 ドキュメンテーション
Moodle 3.4 - 3.6 PHPUnit 6.5 ドキュメンテーション
Moodle 3.2 - 3.3 PHPUnit 5.5 ドキュメンテーション
Moodle 3.1 PHPUnit 4.8.27 ドキュメンテーション


PHPUnitの統合には専用のデータベースおよびdatarootが必要です。まず最初にconfig.phpに新しい dataroot ディレクトリおよび接頭辞を追加してください。config-dist.phpに例があります (「セクション 9」までスクロールダウンしてください)。

$CFG->phpunit_prefix = 'phpu_';
$CFG->phpunit_dataroot = '/home/example/phpu_moodledata';

PHPUnitのテストの中にはインターネットへのライブ接続を必要とするものがあります。システムがインターネットに直接接続されていない場合、config.phpでプロキシを指定する必要があります - 通常は管理設定ユーザインターフェイスで指定します (あなたがプロクシを使用していない場合、このステップは省略してください)。正しい値がわからない場合は、関連する管理者設定ページまたはデータベースのmdl_configテーブルで設定を確認してください。

//  通常のプロキシ設定 Normal proxy settings
$CFG->proxyhost = '';
$CFG->proxyport = 80;
$CFG->proxytype = 'HTTP';
$CFG->proxybypass = 'localhost,,';
// Omit the next lines if your proxy doesn't need a username/password:
$CFG->proxyuser = 'systemusername';
$CFG->proxypassword = 'systempassword';

Moodle 2.8.5以降、単体テストのために特定のデータベース設定を提供することもできます (提供されない場合、標準のデータベース設定が使用されます):

$CFG->phpunit_dbtype    = 'pgsql';      // 'pgsql', 'mariadb', 'mysqli', 'mssql', 'sqlsrv' or 'oci'
$CFG->phpunit_dblibrary = 'native';     // 'native' only at the moment
$CFG->phpunit_dbhost    = '';  // eg 'localhost' or '' or IP
$CFG->phpunit_dbname    = 'mytestdb';     // database name, eg moodle
$CFG->phpunit_dbuser    = 'postgres';   // your database username
$CFG->phpunit_dbpass    = 'some_password';   // your database password

Then you need to initialise the test environment using following command.

cd /home/example/moodle
php admin/tool/phpunit/cli/init.php


NOTE: make sure that your php cli executable (or the one you want to use) is correctly on your path as the individual init scripts will call it repeatedly. Also, ensure en_AU locale is installed on your server. 注意: 個々のinitスクリプトが繰り返し呼び出すため、php cliの実行ファイル (またはあなたが使用したいもの) が正しくパス上にあることを確認してください。また、en_AU ロケールがサーバにインストールされていることを確認してください。


If you want to run LDAP unit tests you must have a working, configured LDAP environment on your test server. There must be a basic LDAP tree structure in place or tests will fail with "Search: No such object". Build an LDAP tree structure in a new shell prompt:

$ ldapadd -H ldap:// -D "cn=admin,dc=yourcomputer,dc=local" -W

In config.php tell Moodle where to look for your test LDAP environment:

// Constants for auth/ldap tests.
define('TEST_AUTH_LDAP_HOST_URL', 'ldap://');
define('TEST_AUTH_LDAP_BIND_DN', 'cn=admin,dc=yourcomputer,dc=local');
define('TEST_AUTH_LDAP_BIND_PW', '*');
define('TEST_AUTH_LDAP_DOMAIN', 'dc=yourcomputer,dc=local');

// Constants for enrol/ldap tests.
define('TEST_ENROL_LDAP_HOST_URL', 'ldap://');
define('TEST_ENROL_LDAP_BIND_DN', 'cn=admin,dc=yourcomputer,dc=local');
define('TEST_ENROL_LDAP_BIND_PW', '*');
define('TEST_ENROL_LDAP_DOMAIN', 'dc=yourcomputer,dc=local');

// Constants for lib/ldap tests.
define('TEST_LDAPLIB_HOST_URL', 'ldap://');
define('TEST_LDAPLIB_BIND_DN', 'cn=admin,dc=yourcomputer,dc=local');
define('TEST_LDAPLIB_BIND_PW', '*');
define('TEST_LDAPLIB_DOMAIN', 'dc=yourcomputer,dc=local');

Test execution

To execute all test suites from main configuration file execute the


script from your



cd /home/example/moodle

The rest of examples uses


, please substitute it with


or create a shortcut in your dirroot. In IDEs, you may need to specify the path to the PHPUnit configuration file. Use the absolute path to


from your



There is an alternative script for running of tests via web interface:


. Use this as the last resort only when you cannot use the command-line interface on your test server. It will most probably break due to permissions problems if you try to execute it both from command-line and from webrunner. This feature is not officially supported.

How to run only some tests

Running a single test quickly (PHPUnit 9)

テンプレート:Moodle 3.11 The fastest way to run a single test in PHPUnit 9.5 and higher (Moodle 3.11 and higher) is to use the filter argument:

vendor/bin/phpunit --filter tool_dataprivacy_metadata_registry_testcase

To run all tests provided by the single component, use suite and the name it has in the phpunit.xml file. Example:

vendor/bin/phpunit --testsuite workshopform_accumulative_testsuite

Alternatively if you have config files built for each component:

vendor/bin/phpunit -c mod/workshop/form/accumulative/

Running a single test quickly (PHPUnit 8)

テンプレート:Moodle 3.10 The fastest way to run a single test in PHPUnit 8.5 and lower (Moodle 3.10 and lower):

vendor/bin/phpunit my/tests/filename.php

so, run this command in the CLI to see a real test in action:

vendor/bin/phpunit cohort/tests/cohortlib_test.php

You can also run a single test method inside a class:

vendor/bin/phpunit --filter test_function_name path/to/file.php

Note: You should be careful because it may be possible to run tests this way which are not included in the normal run if, for example, the file is not placed in the correct location. If you use this method, do at least one full test run (or --group run, as below) to ensure the test can be found.

Filters can also be applied to capture a group of similar tests across all testsuites:

vendor/bin/phpunit --filter test_flag_user

It is also possible to run all tests in a component (subsystem or plugin) by using the testsuite option:

vendor/bin/phpunit --testsuite mod_forum_testsuite
vendor/bin/phpunit --testsuite core_privacy_testsuite
vendor/bin/phpunit --testsuite core_privacy_testsuite --filter test_component_is_compliant

Using the @group annotation

If you add annotations like

namespace qtype_stack;
 * Unit tests for {@link stack_cas_keyval} @ qtype/stack/tests/cas_keyval_test.php.
 * @group qtype_stack
class cas_keyval_test extends \basic_testcase {

to all the classes in your plugin, then you can run just the tests for your plugin by doing

phpunit --group qtype_stack

Therefore, it is suggested that you annotate all your tests with the Frankenstyle name of your plugin.

Using multiple phpunit.xml files

It's easy to create alternative phpunit.xml files defining which tests must be run together. For reference, take a look to the default /phpunit.xml available in your base directory once the testing environment has been initialised. After creating the custom file you will be able to run those tests with

vendor/bin/phpunit -c path/to/your/alternative/phpunit/file.xml

Also, for commodity, you can use this command:

php admin/tool/phpunit/cli/util.php --buildcomponentconfigs

It will, automatically, create one valid phpunit.xml file within each component (plugin or subsystem) and other important directories, so later you will be able to execute tests like

vendor/bin/phpunit -c mod/forum[/phpunit.xml]  // Note that it's not needed to specify the name of the file (if it is 'phpunit.xml').
vendor/bin/phpunit -c question
vendor/bin/phpunit -c question/type/calculated
vendor/bin/phpunit -c backup
vendor/bin/phpunit -c lib/dml

or, also

cd directory/with/phpunit.xml

External test resources

Moodle 2.6

By default Moodle phpunit tests contact server when testing curl related functionality. Optionally you may checkout a local copy of the test scripts and access it instead:

  1. clone to web directory
  2. add to your config.php or modify phpunit.xml file
    define('TEST_EXTERNAL_FILES_HTTP_URL', 'http://localhost/moodle-exttests');

Writing new tests

Conversion of existing SimpleTests

PHPUnit support in IDEs

Common Unit Test Problems

Common unit test problems


A typical run of full PHPUnit tests for Moodle 2.7 takes 10-20 minutes depending on the machine. If tests run slowly for you:

  • Ensure you are using a database and filesystem running on the same machine that is running the tests (not on a remote server).
  • Apply developer-only performance settings to your database: Postgres Tuning For Developers

Command line tips

  • Run all tests for a plugin (mod_mymodule in this example): vendor/bin/phpunit --testsuite=mod_mymodule_testsuite
  • Run only named test: vendor/bin/phpunit --filter=test_my_test_function_name
  • Display each test name before running it (useful e.g. if it crashes before the end and you want to know which test it was running at that point) vendor/bin/phpunit --debug (you will probably want to redirect this to a file as it gets very long).

作成中です - Mitsuhiro Yoshida (トーク)


Sebastian BergmannによるPHPUnit はPHP用の高度な単体テストフレームワークです。このフレームワークはComposerの依存ファイルとしてインストールされ、Moodleのインストールには含まれません。PHPUnitテストを実行するにはあなたの開発用コンピュータまたはテストサーバに手動でPHPUnitをインストールする必要があります。



  • Install Composer
  • composerをインストールする



  • Composerインストーラを実行してください。
cd /your/moodle/dirroot
php composer.phar install

(接続エラーが発生した場合、以下のコマンドをお試しください ... )

php composer.phar install --prefer-source


  • あなたがWindowsでプロキシを利用している場合、HTTP_PROXY環境変数にHTTPプロキシのアドレスおよびポートを設定することでComposerが正しくファイルをダウンロードできるようになります。
  • あなたはcomposeのインストール時にgithubの認証情報の入力を求められる場合があります。
    • これはgithubによるレート制限を回避するための個人用アクセストークンの生成に使用されます。
    • あなたがgithubアカウントで2要素認証を有効にしている場合、または自分で認証情報を提供したくない場合、手動でトークンを生成する必要があります:
    • ( このバグに関する詳細は composer issue #2280 をご覧ください。)





  $ pear uninstall phpunit/DbUnit
  $ pear uninstall phpunit/PHPUnit



Moodleバージョン PHPUnitバージョン リンク
Moodle 3.11 PHPUnit 9.5 ドキュメンテーション
Moodle 3.10 PHPUnit 8.5 ドキュメンテーション
Moodle 3.7 - 3.9 PHPUnit 7.5 ドキュメンテーション
Moodle 3.4 - 3.6 PHPUnit 6.5 ドキュメンテーション
Moodle 3.2 - 3.3 PHPUnit 5.5 ドキュメンテーション
Moodle 3.1 PHPUnit 4.8.27 ドキュメンテーション


PHPUnitの統合には専用のデータベースおよびdatarootが必要です。まず最初にconfig.phpに新しい dataroot ディレクトリおよび接頭辞を追加してください。config-dist.phpに例があります (「セクション 9」までスクロールダウンしてください)。

$CFG->phpunit_prefix = 'phpu_';
$CFG->phpunit_dataroot = '/home/example/phpu_moodledata';

PHPUnitのテストの中にはインターネットへのライブ接続を必要とするものがあります。システムがインターネットに直接接続されていない場合、config.phpでプロキシを指定する必要があります - 通常は管理設定ユーザインターフェイスで指定します (あなたがプロクシを使用していない場合、このステップは省略してください)。正しい値がわからない場合は、関連する管理者設定ページまたはデータベースのmdl_configテーブルで設定を確認してください。

//  通常のプロキシ設定 Normal proxy settings
$CFG->proxyhost = '';
$CFG->proxyport = 80;
$CFG->proxytype = 'HTTP';
$CFG->proxybypass = 'localhost,,';
// Omit the next lines if your proxy doesn't need a username/password:
$CFG->proxyuser = 'systemusername';
$CFG->proxypassword = 'systempassword';

Moodle 2.8.5以降、単体テストのために特定のデータベース設定を提供することもできます (提供されない場合、標準のデータベース設定が使用されます):

$CFG->phpunit_dbtype    = 'pgsql';      // 'pgsql', 'mariadb', 'mysqli', 'mssql', 'sqlsrv' or 'oci'
$CFG->phpunit_dblibrary = 'native';     // 'native' only at the moment
$CFG->phpunit_dbhost    = '';  // eg 'localhost' or '' or IP
$CFG->phpunit_dbname    = 'mytestdb';     // database name, eg moodle
$CFG->phpunit_dbuser    = 'postgres';   // your database username
$CFG->phpunit_dbpass    = 'some_password';   // your database password

Then you need to initialise the test environment using following command.

cd /home/example/moodle
php admin/tool/phpunit/cli/init.php


NOTE: make sure that your php cli executable (or the one you want to use) is correctly on your path as the individual init scripts will call it repeatedly. Also, ensure en_AU locale is installed on your server. 注意: 個々のinitスクリプトが繰り返し呼び出すため、php cliの実行ファイル (またはあなたが使用したいもの) が正しくパス上にあることを確認してください。また、en_AU ロケールがサーバにインストールされていることを確認してください。


If you want to run LDAP unit tests you must have a working, configured LDAP environment on your test server. There must be a basic LDAP tree structure in place or tests will fail with "Search: No such object". Build an LDAP tree structure in a new shell prompt:

$ ldapadd -H ldap:// -D "cn=admin,dc=yourcomputer,dc=local" -W

In config.php tell Moodle where to look for your test LDAP environment:

// Constants for auth/ldap tests.
define('TEST_AUTH_LDAP_HOST_URL', 'ldap://');
define('TEST_AUTH_LDAP_BIND_DN', 'cn=admin,dc=yourcomputer,dc=local');
define('TEST_AUTH_LDAP_BIND_PW', '*');
define('TEST_AUTH_LDAP_DOMAIN', 'dc=yourcomputer,dc=local');

// Constants for enrol/ldap tests.
define('TEST_ENROL_LDAP_HOST_URL', 'ldap://');
define('TEST_ENROL_LDAP_BIND_DN', 'cn=admin,dc=yourcomputer,dc=local');
define('TEST_ENROL_LDAP_BIND_PW', '*');
define('TEST_ENROL_LDAP_DOMAIN', 'dc=yourcomputer,dc=local');

// Constants for lib/ldap tests.
define('TEST_LDAPLIB_HOST_URL', 'ldap://');
define('TEST_LDAPLIB_BIND_DN', 'cn=admin,dc=yourcomputer,dc=local');
define('TEST_LDAPLIB_BIND_PW', '*');
define('TEST_LDAPLIB_DOMAIN', 'dc=yourcomputer,dc=local');

Test execution

To execute all test suites from main configuration file execute the


script from your



cd /home/example/moodle

The rest of examples uses


, please substitute it with


or create a shortcut in your dirroot. In IDEs, you may need to specify the path to the PHPUnit configuration file. Use the absolute path to


from your



There is an alternative script for running of tests via web interface:


. Use this as the last resort only when you cannot use the command-line interface on your test server. It will most probably break due to permissions problems if you try to execute it both from command-line and from webrunner. This feature is not officially supported.

How to run only some tests

Running a single test quickly (PHPUnit 9)

テンプレート:Moodle 3.11 The fastest way to run a single test in PHPUnit 9.5 and higher (Moodle 3.11 and higher) is to use the filter argument:

vendor/bin/phpunit --filter tool_dataprivacy_metadata_registry_testcase

To run all tests provided by the single component, use suite and the name it has in the phpunit.xml file. Example:

vendor/bin/phpunit --testsuite workshopform_accumulative_testsuite

Alternatively if you have config files built for each component:

vendor/bin/phpunit -c mod/workshop/form/accumulative/

Running a single test quickly (PHPUnit 8)

テンプレート:Moodle 3.10 The fastest way to run a single test in PHPUnit 8.5 and lower (Moodle 3.10 and lower):

vendor/bin/phpunit my/tests/filename.php

so, run this command in the CLI to see a real test in action:

vendor/bin/phpunit cohort/tests/cohortlib_test.php

You can also run a single test method inside a class:

vendor/bin/phpunit --filter test_function_name path/to/file.php

Note: You should be careful because it may be possible to run tests this way which are not included in the normal run if, for example, the file is not placed in the correct location. If you use this method, do at least one full test run (or --group run, as below) to ensure the test can be found.

Filters can also be applied to capture a group of similar tests across all testsuites:

vendor/bin/phpunit --filter test_flag_user

It is also possible to run all tests in a component (subsystem or plugin) by using the testsuite option:

vendor/bin/phpunit --testsuite mod_forum_testsuite
vendor/bin/phpunit --testsuite core_privacy_testsuite
vendor/bin/phpunit --testsuite core_privacy_testsuite --filter test_component_is_compliant

Using the @group annotation

If you add annotations like

namespace qtype_stack;
 * Unit tests for {@link stack_cas_keyval} @ qtype/stack/tests/cas_keyval_test.php.
 * @group qtype_stack
class cas_keyval_test extends \basic_testcase {

to all the classes in your plugin, then you can run just the tests for your plugin by doing

phpunit --group qtype_stack

Therefore, it is suggested that you annotate all your tests with the Frankenstyle name of your plugin.

Using multiple phpunit.xml files

It's easy to create alternative phpunit.xml files defining which tests must be run together. For reference, take a look to the default /phpunit.xml available in your base directory once the testing environment has been initialised. After creating the custom file you will be able to run those tests with

vendor/bin/phpunit -c path/to/your/alternative/phpunit/file.xml

Also, for commodity, you can use this command:

php admin/tool/phpunit/cli/util.php --buildcomponentconfigs

It will, automatically, create one valid phpunit.xml file within each component (plugin or subsystem) and other important directories, so later you will be able to execute tests like

vendor/bin/phpunit -c mod/forum[/phpunit.xml]  // Note that it's not needed to specify the name of the file (if it is 'phpunit.xml').
vendor/bin/phpunit -c question
vendor/bin/phpunit -c question/type/calculated
vendor/bin/phpunit -c backup
vendor/bin/phpunit -c lib/dml

or, also

cd directory/with/phpunit.xml

External test resources

Moodle 2.6

By default Moodle phpunit tests contact server when testing curl related functionality. Optionally you may checkout a local copy of the test scripts and access it instead:

  1. clone to web directory
  2. add to your config.php or modify phpunit.xml file
    define('TEST_EXTERNAL_FILES_HTTP_URL', 'http://localhost/moodle-exttests');

Writing new tests

Conversion of existing SimpleTests

PHPUnit support in IDEs

Common Unit Test Problems

Common unit test problems


A typical run of full PHPUnit tests for Moodle 2.7 takes 10-20 minutes depending on the machine. If tests run slowly for you:

  • Ensure you are using a database and filesystem running on the same machine that is running the tests (not on a remote server).
  • Apply developer-only performance settings to your database: Postgres Tuning For Developers

Command line tips

  • Run all tests for a plugin (mod_mymodule in this example): vendor/bin/phpunit --testsuite=mod_mymodule_testsuite
  • Run only named test: vendor/bin/phpunit --filter=test_my_test_function_name
  • Display each test name before running it (useful e.g. if it crashes before the end and you want to know which test it was running at that point) vendor/bin/phpunit --debug (you will probably want to redirect this to a file as it gets very long).