
タグ: 新規リダイレクト
1行目: 1行目:
作成中です - [[利用者:Mitsuhiro Yoshida|Mitsuhiro Yoshida]] 2009年3月6日 (金) 11:23 (CST)
ロケーション: 管理 > プラグイン > フィルタ > フィルタ設定 > マルチメディアプラグイン設定
== サポートされるメディアフォーマット ==
* .mp3 - MPEG Audio Stream, Layer III
* .swf - Macromedia Flash Format File (Adobe, Inc.)
* .mov - QuickTime Video Clip (Apple Computer, Inc.)
* .wmv - Windows Media File (Microsoft)
* .mpg - MPEG Animation
* .avi - Audio Video Interleave File
* .flv - Flash Video File (Macromedia, Inc.)
* .ram - RealMedia Metafile (RealNetworks, Inc.)
* .rpm - RealMedia Player Plug-in (RealNetworks)
* .rm - RealMedia Streaming Media (Real Networks, Inc.)
== 使用方法 ==
Insert the URL of the multimedia resource into your text (which can be the URL of a file in the course files area). When displayed a suitable player will be provided. Moodle detects the media type using the filename extension, so you should ensure that the file contents match the extension correctly.
For some file types, like Flash, you can size the plugin using an extended syntax:
<a href="somepath.swf?d=640x480">My link name</a>
where the first number is the width in pixels, and the second is the height.
== 必須ソフトウェア ==
Although Moodle prepares the media files to be played in the browser, the actual playback is handled by various types of browser plug-in software, primarily Adobe Flash, Quicktime, Windows Media Player and Real Player. If users do not have these installed they may be prompted to go and install them by their browser. These pieces of software are generally free, easily installed and widely used so this will only be an issue for small numbers of users.
== 設定ページ ==
The settings page is in the administration block.  Prior to version 1.7, this can be reach from ''Configuration > Filters > MultiMedia Plugins''.  In 1.7 it can be found via ''Administration > Modules > Filters > MultiMedia Plugins''. In 1.8 it can be found via:
''Notifications > Modules > Filters > MultiMedia Plugins > Settings''.
There is an individual setting to turn on or off each supported media type.  Note that by default all but the Flash (.swf) filter are enabled. As Flash files present a theoretical security risk, it is strongly recommended not to allow users to add flash content.
== 関連情報 ==
* [[フィルタ]]
* [[MP3プレイヤー]]
* [[Moodleでのオーディオ]]
* [[スピーチツール]]
Using Moodleフォーラムディスカッション:
* [http://moodle.org/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=37119 Multimedia plugin vs object embed]
* [http://moodle.org/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=29588 Size of embedded Flash]
* [http://moodle.org/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=89416&parent=394828 Linking to FLV video files]
* [http://moodle.org/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=90781 video streaming]
* [http://moodle.org/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=95174 Media filter does not work for rm files]
* [http://moodle.org/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=98698 swf filter security]

2022年1月18日 (火) 05:39時点における最新版