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mod/referentiel/import instance

From MoodleDocs

Import a skills repository

If you have a repository backup in XML format (produced by the export function) you can restore it in your Moodle course.

Then, two situations can occur:

  • This is a new skills repository for this Moodle space; it becomes available for this (local != 0) course or for all the (local == 0) courses;
  • If there is an identical local version (same name, same code) – the skills repository is already existing in Moodle:
    • If you choose to overwrite the existing version, it will be replaced by the imported version;
    • If you choose to keep the existing version; the import process will be canceled;

Importation / exportation Formats

  • XML is a textual data format representing the information as a tag hierarchies and nested data. It allows the backup and restore of skills repositories, activities and certificates.
       <text>Description Test1</text>
           <text>Description Test1.1</text>
             <text>Description Test1.1.1</text>
             <text>Description Test1.1.2</text>
  • The XHTML format is an export-type format intended for Web page display.
  • The CSV is a textual format of tabular data (like in a spreadsheet).

The CSV uses a separator, in general ';' between the cells of a table.

For example:


This gives a table:


The CSV is not really suited for nested data, as in a skills repository.

See also

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