Multimedia plugins FAQ
- Managing filters
- Filter settings
- Activity names auto-linking
- Algebra notation
- Convert URLs into links
- Database auto-linking
- Display emoticons as images
- Display H5P
- Email protection
- Glossary auto-linking
- HTML tidy
- MathJax
- Multimedia plugins
- Multi-language content
- TeX notation
- Word censorship
- Filters FAQ
What is the best way of Embedding media in Moodle?
The video player is not appearing for me. I only see a link or embed code text.
Make sure that the "Multimedia plugins" option in Site administration > Plugins > Filters > Manage filters is set to On.
Note: the order of Filters matters, as they are processed in order such that one filter may affect another. You may need to adjust the order. See Filters and Multimedia_plugins_filter for more.
Links and embeds to Vimeo based videos are not working but others are. Why?
Embedding for Vimeo is off by default in Moodle, unlike Youtube. Go to Site administration > Appearance > Media embedding and enable the Vimeo option.
How can I have embedded media resized appropriately?
The administrator can set a default size from the VideoJS player page, and course teachers can resize individual videos from 'Display options' when clicking the Media button in the Atto editor upon adding a video file.
See also
- Using the Atto editor
- Multimedia plugins filter
- Video
- Also Moodle Media player not appearing forum discussion