Note: You are currently viewing documentation for Moodle 3.9. Up-to-date documentation for the latest stable version of Moodle may be available here: Install-on-IBM-Cloud.


From MoodleDocs

Get Moodle on IBM Cloud

We will deploy Moodle on an IBM Cloud Kubernetes Cluster

  • Prerequisites
  • You should have an IBM Cloud account, otherwise you can here.
  1. Provisioning a new Kubernetes Cluster, if already have one skip to step **2**
  2. Deploying the IBM Cloud Block Storage plug-in, if already have it skip to step **3**
  3. Deploying Moodle

Step 1 provisioning a new Kubernetes Cluster

  • Click the **Catalog** button on the top
  • Select **Service** from the left in the catalog
  • Search for **Kubernetes Service** and click on it
  • At the Kubernetes deployment page, we will specify our deployment details
  • Choose a plan **standard** or **free**, the free plan only has one worker node and no subnet, to provision a standard cluster, you will need to upgrade you account to Pay-As-You-Go
  • To upgrade to a Pay-As-You-Go account, complete the following steps

          *    In the console, go to Manage > Account.
          *    Select Account settings, and click Add credit card.
          *    Enter your payment information, click Next, and submit your information
  • Choose **classic** or **VPC**, read the [docs] and choose the most suitable type for yourself
  • Please decide on your deployment's location parameters , for more information please visit [1]
  • Choose **Geography** (continent)


  • Choose **Single** or **Multizone**, in single zone your data is only kept in one datacenter, with Multizone your data is kept on multiple sites for more security


  • Choose a **Worker Zone** if using Single zones or **Metro** if Multizone
  • If you wish to use Multizone please set up your account with [2] or Vlan spanning
  • At your current location selection, it is possible there is no Virtual LAN currently available, then a new Vlan will be created for you
  • Choose a **Worker node setup** or use the preselected one, set **Worker node amount per zone**


  • Choose **Master Service Endpoint**, In VRF-enabled accounts, you can choose private-only to make your master accessible on the private network or via VPN tunnel. Choose public-only to make your master publicly accessible. When you have a VRF-enabled account, your cluster is set up by default to use both private and public endpoints. For more information visit [3].


  • Give cluster a **name**


  • Give desired **tags** to your cluster, for more information visit [4]


  • Click **create**


  • Wait for you cluster to be provisioned


  • Your cluster is ready for usage


Step 2 deploy IBM Cloud Block Storage plug-in

The Block Storage plug-in is a persistent, high-performance iSCSI storage that you can add to your apps by using Kubernetes Persistent Volumes (PVs).

  • Click the **Catalog** button on the top
  • Select **Software** from the catalog
  • Search for **IBM Cloud Block Storage plug-in** and click on it


  • On the application page Click in the _dot_ next to the cluster, you wish to use
  • Click on **Enter or Select Namespace** and choose the default Namespace or use a custom one (if you get error please wait 30 minutes for the cluster to finalize)


  • Give a **name** to this workspace
  • Click **install** and wait for the deployment


Step 3 Deploy Moodle

In this step we will deploy Moodle on our cluster

  • Click the **Catalog** button on the top
  • Select **Software** from the left in the catalog
  • Search for **Moodle** and click on it


  • On the application page Click in the _dot_ next to the cluster we just created or use an existing one


  • Click on **Enter or Select Namespace** and choose one of the default Namespaces or use a custom one


  • Give a unique **name** to your workspace


  • Select which resource group you want to use, it is for access control and billing purposes. For more information please visit groups


  • Here you can give **tags** to your apache airflow workspace, which will affect your deployment. For more information visit [5]


  • Click on **Parameters with default values**, You can set deployment values or use the default ones


  • Please **tick** the box next to the agreements and click **install**


  • Your apache airflow workspace will start installing, please wait a couple of minutes for the deployment to finish


  • Your Moodle workspace has been successfully deployed


Verify Moodle installation

  • Go to [Resources] in your browser
  • Click on **Clusters**
  • Click on your Cluster


  • Now you are at you cluster's overview, here Click on **Actions** on the top right and click on **Web terminal** from the dropdown menu


  • Click **install**, then wait couple of minutes


  • Click on **Actions**
  • Click **Web terminal** --> a terminal will open up
  • **Type** in the terminal, please change NAMESPACE to the namespace you choose at the deployment setup:

 $ kubectl get ns


 $ kubectl get pod -n NAMESPACE -o wide 


 $ kubectl get service -n NAMESPACE


  • Your running Moodle services will be visible

You successfully deployed Moodle on IBM Cloud!