Note: You are currently viewing documentation for Moodle 3.9. Up-to-date documentation for the latest stable version of Moodle may be available here: Calendar settings.

Calendar settings

From MoodleDocs

Preference settings

Both the daily detail screen and the monthly detail screen have the Preferences button in the upper right. Here you can set the time format, first day of the week, number of events to show in the calendar block, days to look forward for events and if the filters on this calendar should be saved as the default for all calendars.

Site administration settings

The following settings can be changed by a site administrator in Administration > Appearance > Calendar:

Calendar type

The admin can choose a default calendar type for the whole site here. Individual users can override this in the course settings or in their user profile.

Admins see all

Whether admins see all calendar events or just those that apply to themselves.

Time display format

Whether a 12 or 24 hour format is used. This setting can be overridden by user preferences.

Start of week

Default is Sunday.

Weekend days

Weekend days are shown in a different colour.

Days and events to look ahead

For determining how many events are listed in the Upcoming Events block. If the Upcoming Events block becomes too long you can reduce the number of days and events to lookahead.

Calendar export days to look ahead and back

A custom range of dates, such as a school term or year, may be set as a calendar export option.

Calendar export salt

The calendar export salt is a random string of characters used for improving of security of authentication tokens used for exporting of calendars.

Calendar permissions

The Calendar editor role may be used to enable users to add course or site events to the calendar.

See also